Last, we test a one-way, two-level nested model that compares the no jargon versus good jargon alone versus both-good-and-bad jargon conditions. As shown in Table 2 , Panel C, we find that investment willingness is significantly higher in the absence of good jargon than in its presence (2.56 for the no jargon condition versus 1.69 for the average of two good jargon-present conditions; F1, 65 = 5.01, p = 0.01, one-tailed). In addition, investors report lower investment willingness in the both-good-and-bad jargon condition relative to the good jargon alone condition (1.00 versus 2.40; F1, 65 = 9.13, p < 0.01, one-tailed). Overall, with one exception, our results are generally consistent with the effect of jargon predicted in H1 for investors without industry knowledge.