Start Date of Claim: September 28, 2014
Waiting Period: September 28, 2014 to October 11, 2014
Type of Benefit: Regular benefits
Total Insurable Earnings: $6,511
Benefit Rate: $188
Federal Tax: $0
Total Insurable Hours: 1141
Total Weeks of Regular Entitlement: 26
Weeks of Regular Benefits Paid: 24
Total Weeks Paid: 24
End Date of Claim: September 26, 2015 [1]
Last Report Processed: March 15, 2015 to March 28, 2015
Last Report Processed on: March 30, 2015
Other Monies:
Earnings in your last week worked September 28, 2014 to October 04, 2014
Weekly Amount: $145
► ▼ Please note that the date provided in the "End Date of Claim" does not necessarily mean that EI benefits will be paid up to that date. (show or hide details)
You will stop receiving benefits once one of the following 2 conditions has occurred:
All the weeks of benefits to which you were entitled to have been paid. This occurs when the number of weeks displayed in the "Weeks of Regular Benefits Paid" row is equal to the number of weeks displayed in the "Total Weeks of Regular Entitlement".
The "End Date of Claim" has been reached.
Note: In certain situations, the "End Date of Claim" may be extended. Consult the Service Canada website "For how long will I receive benefits?” for additional information.