Brand interactivity. Defined as the assistance offered to customers on social media as well as the space for discussions and the exchange of ideas, social media brand interaction is fundamentallychanging communication between brands and customers (Gallaugherand Ransbotham, 2010). With time, social media-based customer dialoghas become more active than ever which has pushed brands to beA. Dabbous and K.A. Barakat Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 53 (2020) 1019663dynamic, open in discussions, and helpful with practical matters in orderto promote interaction (Godey et al., 2016). This increased interactionhas led to higher customer engagement as shown by Murdough (2009),who found that encouraging ongoing interaction between the consumerand the brand can deepen consumer–brand relationships, help marketers uncover common themes in consumer feedback, and persuadeconsumers to engage with online content. Therefore, brand interactionis considered as a key component in the social media environment, andthe following can be hypothesized:
Brand interactivity. Defined as the assistance offered to customers on social media as well as the space for discussions and the exchange of ideas, social media brand interaction is fundamentally<br>changing communication between brands and customers (Gallaugher<br>and Ransbotham, 2010). With time, social media-based customer dialog<br>has become more active than ever which has pushed brands to be<br>A. Dabbous and K.A. Barakat <br>Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 53 (2020) 101966<br>3<br>dynamic, open in discussions, and helpful with practical matters in order<br>to promote interaction (Godey et al., 2016). This increased interaction<br>has led to higher customer engagement as shown by Murdough (2009),<br>誰發現消費者之間,鼓勵持續的互動<br>和品牌可以加深消費者對品牌的關係,幫助營銷人員揭開回饋消費者共同的主題,並說服<br>消費者與在線內容互動。因此,品牌互動<br>被認為是在社會化媒體環境中的關鍵組成部分,<br>下面可以假設: