Bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das richtig verstanden habe, bitte helfen sie mir. Ihr Gerät kann also auch neben den Bett gestellt werden und quasi alleine laufen, sodass es im Schlaf eingeatmet wird? Stimmt dies?Vielen Dank. Grüße
I'm not sure if I understand this correctly, please help me. Your device can also beside the bed be placed and run virtually alone so it is inhaled in the sleep? Is this true? Thank you very much. Greetings
I'm not sure if I have understood correctly, please help me. Your device can be placed next to the bed and run quasi alone so well, so it is inhaled during sleep? Is this true? Thanks. greetings
i"m not sure if i have understood correctly, please help me. the device can also be placed next to the bed or walk alone, so it is inhaled in sleep? is that true? thank you very much. greetings