Time series are displayed with the mean removed and the value indicated to the left of the
vertical axis as Y: 0 @ [mean value]. Also shown is the rms ("s") of the series about the
mean. The time (X-) axis is marked in hours and minutes (hh:mm) but without resetting to
zero if the series goes over midnight. Unless SHOW MARGINAL has been selected, the
display will include only those observations weighted in the solution. Continuous
observations (no gap) are indicated by lines connecting each point. The epoch number of
any point can be displayed by clicking on the point. The presence of an extra bias
parameter is indicated by vertical bars, with "semaphores" attached to indicate (in single
or double differences) which satellite(s) and station(s) have the bias flags; e.g.
Stations are indicated by semaphores to the left (station 1) or right (station 2) (memory
tool: stations are separated horizontally on the Earth); satellites by semaphores at the
bottom (satellite 1) or top (satellite 2) (satellites rise or set vertically).
When one or more time series are plotted on the screen, the top and bottom menu panels
change to display the following:
The boxes in the bottom panel (except for the first two) control the display of the plots.
The most useful command is SPAN. Toggled on it automatically expands and contracts
the horizontal axis to fit the time series being displayed. Toggled on after selecting a
range of points on the screen (by simply clicking on any of the displayed plots), it adjusts
the horizontal scale to fit the span selected. Toggled on after selecting a single point, it
expands the scale and moves the selected point to the center of the screen. ALL returns the
horizontal scale to the complete interval of the session. The next two boxes (
and >>T