In order to research the strengthening effects of aramid fiber reinforced polymer ( AFRP) sheets on the flexural performance
of corroded reinforced concrete ( RC) beams, the static and fatigue performance of corroded RC beams strengthened
with non- prestressed AFRP sheets under different degrees of corrosion ( minor: reinforcement mass loss is 2. 0%,
medium: reinforcement mass loss is 6. 0%) have been researched experimentally in this paper, to compare with that of
the control beams ( un-strengthened and un- corroded) and un-strengthened corroded beams, and additionally compare
with fatigue performance of those medium corroded RC beams strengthened with prestressed AFRP sheets with permanent
anchors. The results show that, ( 1) compared with un-strengthened corroded beams under the same degrees of corrosion,
the cracking, yield and ultimate monotonic loads of the minor corroded RC beam strengthened with non- prestressed AFRP
sheets is respectively increased by 20%, 27% and 60%, whereas for the medium corroded RC beam strengthened with
non-prestressed AFRP sheets increased by 15%, 36% and 83% respectively. The ultimate deflection of the medium
corroded beam strengthened with non- prestressed AFRP sheets is 166% larger than that of the corroded un- strengthened
beam under the monotonic load. ( 2) The fatigue life of the non- prestressed AFRP strengthened medium corroded beam is
10. 4 times more than that of the un- strengthened corroded beam, but lower than that of the unstrengthened-uncorroded
( virgin) beam. ( 3) Fatigue experiments of the beams strengthened with prestressed AFRP sheets and with those non- prestressed
AFRP sheets show that the fatigue life of the retrofit RC beams increase with increasing prestress level of AFRP
sheets. ( 4) The use of AFRP sheets for strengthening corroded RC beams is an efficient technique that can maintain the
structural integrity and enhance the structural behavior of such beams.