Section 6: Supply Delivery Period
6.1 Our current Delivery Period (Ex-Works at factory) is to start 8 weeks from the
latest date of receipt and acceptance of the following in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet
Signed Contract. (Any change must be noted and initialed by both parties).
Down payment
Signed final "approved as noted" or “approved as is” Approval Drawings
Final change order
Acceptable Letter of credit /final accepted L/C amendment
6.2 The Delivery Period is considered to start on the date of first delivery of the
materials to the carrier.
6.3 Please allow minimum of 02 weeks for Approval Drawings submittal.
6.3 Customer is required to return Approval Drawings to WEC office within 02 weeks
from the dated of receipt. Any delay in the return of the Approval Drawings back to
WEC office may result in a change to our delivery commitment.