Alien X is omnipotent, being able to warp reality, time, and space with ease and at any level he wishes. Even his thoughts can become real. In short, Alien X can do anything.[1][2]Alien X can create time waves to reverse events on a specific area.[3]Alien X can create and recreate an entire universe at will.[4]Alien X is nearly invulnerable, as he was completely unharmed when the Anihilaarg destroyed the universe around him.[4][note 1]Alien X can self-duplicate, create galaxies to suck in other beings, and travel at high speeds. He also possesses superhuman strength, the ability to grow to a gigantic size, and hand-to-hand combat skills.[5]Alien X possesses telekinesis and is capable of deflecting energy attacks.[6]Alien X can bond his power with other Celestialsapiens if they agreed.[MoA 1]