If failure to grasp the desired point x, y occurs,
the robot keeps trying to grip points on a spiral path around
x, y until it succeeds. We assume the leg eventually succeeds
grasping. If it succeeds to grasp after multiple trials, the grasping
position may be far from the desired one. This may cause a special
leg configuration which may prevent the robot from advancing.
However, as mentioned, there is no a priori knowledge on the
texture of the surface, hence such assumption is inevitable.
If failure to grasp the desired point x, y occurs,
the robot keeps trying to grip points on a spiral path around
x, y until it succeeds. We assume the leg eventually succeeds
grasping. If it succeeds to grasp after multiple trials, the grasping
position may be far from the desired one. This may cause a special
leg configuration which may prevent the robot from advancing.
However, as mentioned, there is no a priori knowledge on the
texture of the surface, hence such assumption is inevitable.