lb our knowledge, the only study published using the ICGM was that by Tallir et al. (2007)・
They examined the effectiveness of two approaches (ICGM and traditional) with primary
school children with respect to basketball game performance (dccision making and motor skill
efficiency and efficacy)・ All three components improved in both groups, but learning profiles
were different, with the IGCM group showing a major increase in game performance from
pre-test to post-test, while the traditional group caught up at the retention test. In a study com-
bining a Sport Education hybrid model with ICGM during a soccer unit, Mesquita, Farias, and
Hastie (2012) demonstrated improvements in students* decision making and skill execution
during game play, particularly in girls and lower-skilled students. The authors suggest that the
team members' strong commitment and motivation to practice, which accompanies team mem-
bership, prolonged engagement with the basic game fbrm.