There are three main types of existing iris segmentation methods:bound的繁體中文翻譯

There are three main types of exist

There are three main types of existing iris segmentation methods:boundary-based methods, pixel-based methods and deep learning based methods. Boundary-based methods try to locate iris region by finding pupil boundary and limbus boundary. Whilepixel-based methods directly determine whether each pixel belongs to iris region. Deep learning-based methods can be roughly classified as pixel-based method. But due to their outstanding performance,we list them separately.Boundary-based methods. Boundary-based methods try to locate iris region by finding pupil boundary and limbus boundary.It’s natural to have the idea that iris region is annulus. But in reality,the inner and outer boundary of iris are usually not concentric.To avoid such mistake, Daugman’s early work [5] simply regard iris region as circulars, which can be represented by two circles. He proposed a two-step iris segmentation method by repeatedly using an integro-differential operator to search over the image domain tofind first the outer boundary, and then the inner boundary of iris region. Wildes et al. [6] adopted a gradient-based edge detection and then located outer and inner circles by using Hough transform[24,25]. Nearly all early methods were based on the assumption that iris had annulus-like boundary. However, usually, due to thereason of noise and occlusion, iris boundary, especially outer boundary, are not circular. So, Wildes et al. [6] parameterized upper and lower eyelids as parabolic arcs and located them by a gradient-based edge detector that favors the horizontal (based on the assumption that head is upright). Methods proposed by Shah[7] and Daugman [22] used active contours to enhance iris segmentation,because such method allowed for non-circular boundaries and enabled flexible coordinate systems. Moreover, many approaches such as reflection removal [3], illumination normalizationand coarse iris localization [26], boundary fitting model [27]have been introduced to improve the performance of boundarybased iris segmentation methods.Pixel-based methods. Essentially, pixel-based methods try to construct classifiers for determining if each pixel is within iris region. Early promising pixel-based methods proposed by Pundlik et al. [8] adopted a step-wise procedure based on image intensities.In this method, a graph cut based energy minimization algorithm was used to separate first eyelash, then pupil, iris, and background.Tan and Kumar [9] exploited the localized Zernike moments feature[28,29] at different radii to classify each pixel into iris or non-iris category using support vector machines (SVMs). Proença[10] first introduced neural network to classify iris pixels. In thismethod, a shallow neural network, which contained only one hidden layer, was adopted for first sclera and then iris training/classification.The idea of first stage comes from the insight that sclera is the most distinguishable region in non-ideal images, and the mandatory adjacency of the sclera and the iris was exploited to detect noise-free iris regions.Basically, boundary-based iris segmentation methods require prominent contrast of structure components. Gradient and contour information was concerned more in such methods. While pixelbased methods rely highly on discriminative features such as images’ texture, color and intensity. Also, approaches such as[30,31] integrated these two kind of methods. [30] first roughlycluster image pixels into iris and non-iris regions by setting threshold on brightness, and then on the obtained coarse iris location image, an integro-differential model was adopted to locate iris boundary. While [31] first used Random Walker to locate coarse boundary circle of iris region, then a series of operations based on statistical gray level intensity information were adopted forpixel-level boundary refine.
原始語言: 偵測語言
目標語言: 繁體中文
結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
主要有三種類型的現有虹膜分割方法:基於邊界的方法,基於像素的方法和深度學習為基礎的方法。基於邊界的方法試圖通過尋找瞳孔邊界和緣邊界定位虹膜區域。雖然<br>基於像素的方法直接確定每個像素是否屬於虹膜區域。深基於學習的方法大致可以分為基於像素的方法。但是,由於其出色的表現,我們列出了他們基於separately.Boundary的方法。基於邊界的方法試圖通過尋找瞳孔邊界和角膜緣boundary.It的自然定位虹膜區域有想法,虹膜區域環。但在現實中,<br>虹膜的內部和外部邊界通常不concentric.To避免這樣的錯誤,Daugman的早期工作[5]簡單地把虹膜區域為通告,這可以通過兩個圓來表示。他通過重複地使用一個積分-微分算子來搜索在圖像域中提出了兩步虹膜分割方法<br>先找到的外邊界,然後虹膜區域的內邊界。Wildes等。[6]採用了基於梯度的邊緣檢測,然後通過使用Hough變換[24,25]位於外圓和內圓。幾乎所有早期的方法是基於這樣的假設虹膜有環狀的邊界。然而,通常情況下,由於<br>噪聲和閉塞,的原因虹膜邊界,尤其是外邊界,不是圓形。所以,Wildes等。[6]參數化上下眼瞼拋物線弧和由有利於水平(基於這樣的假設頭部直立)基於梯度的邊緣檢測器位於它們。通過沙[7]和Daugman [22]提出的方法中使用的活性輪廓以提高虹膜分割,因為允許對於非圓形邊界這樣的方法和使能靈活坐標系。而且,許多方法例如反射去除[3],照明正常化<br>和粗虹膜定位[26],邊界擬合模型[27]已被引入,以提高boundarybased虹膜分割基於methods.Pixel-方法的性能。本質上,基於像素的方法試圖構建分類器,用於確定每個像素是虹膜區域內。早期承諾通過Pundlik等人提出的基於像素的方法。[8]通過基於圖像intensities.In此方法的逐步過程,圖切割基於能量最小化算法用於分離第一睫毛,則瞳孔,虹膜和background.Tan和Kumar [9]利用的本地化澤尼克矩設有[28,29]在不同的半徑,以每個像素為虹膜或非虹膜使用類別支持向量機(SVM)分類。普羅恩薩[10]首先介紹神經網絡來分類虹膜像素。在這<br>法,淺神經網絡,其僅包含一個隱含層,是為第一鞏膜通過,然後虹膜第一階段的訓練/ classification.The想法來自的認識,即鞏膜是在非理想的圖像的最可區分區域,並且鞏膜和虹膜的強制性鄰接被利用來檢測regions.Basically無噪聲虹膜,基於邊界的虹膜分割方法需要結構部件的突出的對比度。梯度和輪廓信息,在這樣的方法更關注。雖然pixelbased方法進行高度依賴於判別特徵例如圖像'的質地,顏色和強度。此外,如[30,31]集成這兩種方法的方法,例如。[30]第一大致<br>簇圖像像素到虹膜和非虹膜區域通過在亮度設置閾值,然後對所得到的粗虹膜定位圖像,積分-微分模型獲得通過找到虹膜邊界。儘管[31]首先用隨機沃克定位虹膜區域的粗邊界圈,然後一系列基於統計灰度級的強度信息的操作的被採納為<br>像素級邊界細化。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
現有虹膜分割方法主要有三種類型:基於邊界的方法、基於圖元的方法和基於深度學習的方法。基於邊界的方法嘗試通過查找孔邊界和邊緣邊界來定位虹膜區域。而<br>基於圖元的方法直接確定每個圖元是否屬於光圈區域。基於深度學習的方法可以大致分類為基於圖元的方法。但由於他們的出色表現,我們把它們單獨列出。基於邊界的方法。基於邊界的方法嘗試通過查找孔邊界和邊緣邊界來定位虹膜區域。自然有虹膜區域是環形的概念。但在現實中<br>虹膜的內邊界和外邊界通常不是同心的。為了避免這樣的錯誤,Daugman的早期工作[5]只是把虹膜區域視為圓形,可以用兩個圓圈表示。他提出了一種兩步虹膜分割方法,方法是反復使用整數差分運算子在圖像域上搜索,<br>首先找到外邊界,然後找到虹膜區域的內部邊界。Wildes等人[6]採用了基於梯度的邊緣檢測,然後使用霍夫變換[24,25]定位外圈和內圈。幾乎所有的早期方法都基於虹膜具有環形邊界的假設。但是,通常由於<br>雜訊和遮擋的原因,虹膜邊界,特別是外邊界,不是圓形的。因此,Wildes 等人 [6] 將上眼瞼和下眼瞼參數化為抛物線弧,並通過有利於水準的基於梯度的邊緣探測器定位它們(基於頭部直立的假設)。Shah[7]和Daugman[22]提出的方法使用有源輪廓來增強虹膜分割,因為這種方法允許非圓形邊界,並啟用靈活的坐標系。此外,許多方法,如反射去除 [3],照明正常化<br>並引入粗虹膜定位[26],引入邊界擬合模型[27],以提高基於邊界虹膜分割方法的性能。基於圖元的方法。從本質上講,基於圖元的方法嘗試構造分類器,以確定每個圖元是否在虹膜區域內。Pundlik等人提出的基於圖元的早期新方法[8]採用了基於圖像強度的循序漸進方法。在此方法中,使用基於圖形剪切的能量最小化演算法來分隔先睫毛,然後是孔、虹膜和背景。Tan 和 Kumar [9] 利用不同半徑的當地語系化 Zernike 時刻特徵[28,29],使用支援向量機 (SVM) 將每個圖元分類為虹膜或非光圈類別。Proenía[10]首先引入了神經網路來對虹膜圖元進行分類。在此<br>方法,首先採用一種僅包含一個隱藏層的淺神經網路,然後採用虹膜訓練/分類。第一階段的想法來自于以下認識:硬膜是非理想圖像中最可區分的區域,並且利用硬膜和虹膜的強制性鄰接來來檢測無雜訊虹膜區域。基本上,基於邊界的虹膜分割方法需要結構構件的顯著對比度。梯度和輪廓資訊在這些方法中更關注。而基於圖元的方法則高度依賴于區分特徵,如圖像的紋理、顏色和強度。此外,諸如[30,31]等方法集成了這兩種方法。[30] 先大致<br>通過設置亮度閾值,將圖像圖元聚到光圈和非光圈區域,然後對得到的粗光圈定點陣圖像,採用整數差分模型定位光圈邊界。[31] 首次使用隨機沃克定位虹膜區域的粗邊界圓,然後採用一系列基於統計灰度強度資訊的操作<br>圖元級邊界細化。
結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
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