Dear ko aung paing htet Please send me your water connection design soft copy Thanks Best regards Ma sansan CRMTO --------- Original Message --------- > From: Aung Paing Htet > To:, > Cc: thantnandaryin , zay yar , 栗田健三 , Thwe Thwe , Toshiaki Oi , Thura Win > Subject: Start of construction of A4 > Date: 04/22/2016 16:29:27 (Fri) > > > > > Dear Ma Seint Seint Aye, > I would like to give some comments for your application of start of construction. > 1) Please fill the contractor's contact person list 2) Please submit the permanent water supply layout plan and sewage layout plan3) Please submit the construction schedule > Best regards,Aung Paing HtetMJTD