As Alexa opened the door of the studio she turned around and asked: “Um, Roxanne?”
“Before you told me not to be shy about the thing, so…I mean I never met another woman, who is in women’s feet too before.”
Roxanne had to laugh.
“I know what you want to say. If you just want to talk about it, it is okay. We can meet somewhere, If you want, but you know, nothing more than talking.”
“Oh my god. Of course. What about tomorrow evening at my caravan?”
“What about today evening in my apartment?”
“Yeah, I think that’s better, but where is your apartment.”
“Don’t worry, you will be there without knowing, where it is.”
“Um, ok. See you later,….Roxanne.”
Then she left. “This going to be interesting.”, Roxanne said to herself.
And as Alexa went to her car she mumbled: "Noboy will ever believe me, how this job interview really was.