In Vocational Certificate
This is to certify that, Song Wei, male, 1983 in Henan Cancer Hospital, served as Department of radiation workers, Song Wei is the radiotherapy technician in charge. Song Weijin three years of income:
In 2012, the annual salary of 150316.03 yuan, including 35796 yuan wages, bonus 90165 yuan, 12572.03 yuan of tax, insurance fund 11783 yuan.
In 2013, the annual salary of 170363.65 yuan, including 44460 yuan wages, bonus 99687 yuan, 13563.65 yuan of tax, insurance fund 12653 yuan.
In 2014, January to March, a total of 54836.2 yuan, including 11153.67 yuan wages, bonus 36019.53 yuan, 4291.88 yuan of tax, insurance fund 3372 yuan.
I hereby certify that.
Henan Cancer Hospital
Dongming Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan province No. 127 2014.5.9