Balasana (Child Pose): Participants kneel on ground with feet tucked under the buttocks, if possible. Participants then bend forward at waist, bringing chest as close to knees as possible, and resting forehead on the ground, if flexible enough. Arms are extended on the ground, palms down. Vakrasana (Twisted Pose): Participants sit on ground with both legs outstretched. Then the left leg is bent at knee with sole of the left foot placed on ground alongside the right knee. The upper part of the body is twisted to the left as much as possible, keeping shoulders in plane with the chest and supporting the torso on the left arm, with left hand firmly planted palm-down on the ground. Elbow of the right arm should be straight and pressed against the lateral surface of the bent left knee. After holding this pose, participants return torso, arms and legs to the beginning position. Then participants repeat pose so that right leg is bent and upper body twists to the right sideUstrasana (Camel Pose): Participants kneel on ground, keeping neck and spine perpendicular to ground. Then spine is arched back gently so that chest puffs out. Those flexible enough reach hands back one at a time to grasp heels. Others reach back to blocks placed on either side of feet. mins)Shavasana (Corpse Pose): Participants lie on ground in a supine position, with eyes closed. Arms are stretched away from the torso, palms up. Legs are separated about a shoulder width apart, and the feet rotate out slightly. With calm, soft verbalizations, the instructor guides participants into deep relaxation in this pose, as the breath gradually settles into a slow, restful rhythm.