Citizens-contributed data: an engine for better science,
sustainable cities, and transparent governance
The projects summarised in Section 2 show the breadth of activities covered under the
citizen science/ citizen-generated content labels. Many projects focus on data collection,
raising awareness, contributing to environmental monitoring, others are more educational
oriented, but by and large they all combine these different dimensions. Smart cities
projects, although not as well represented in the meeting, show also similarities and
differences in approaches, technologies, and applications. What is clear is that the
synergies between the two sets of initiatives are relatively weak. In this section we
summarise the key points emerged from the very extensive discussions held during the
Citizens-contributed data: an engine for better science,sustainable cities, and transparent governanceThe projects summarised in Section 2 show the breadth of activities covered under thecitizen science/ citizen-generated content labels. Many projects focus on data collection,raising awareness, contributing to environmental monitoring, others are more educationaloriented, but by and large they all combine these different dimensions. Smart citiesprojects, although not as well represented in the meeting, show also similarities anddifferences in approaches, technologies, and applications. What is clear is that thesynergies between the two sets of initiatives are relatively weak. In this section wesummarise the key points emerged from the very extensive discussions held during themeeting.