life were a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that 41 my life forever.
One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than 24 hours later, I was in a 42 on life support with less than two percent 43 of living. It wasn’t until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a 44 blood infection. Over the 45 of 2.5 months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knee. When my parents 46 me out of the hospital, I 47 that I had been put together like a patchwork (拼缝物) doll and I had to live with 48 legs. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, 49 streaming down.
But I knew in order to move forward, I had to let go of the Old Amy and 50 the New Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant 51 . And that is when it 52 me that I didn’t have to be five-foot-five anymore, 53 I could be as tall as I wanted. And 54 of all, I can make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were 55 here.
Four months later, I was back upon a 56 . And this February, I won two Board World Cup gold medals, 57 me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world.
So, instead of looking at our 58 and our limitations as something 59 or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful 60 that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.
life were a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that 41 my life forever.One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than 24 hours later, I was in a 42 on life support with less than two percent 43 of living. It wasn’t until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a 44 blood infection. Over the 45 of 2.5 months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knee. When my parents 46 me out of the hospital, I 47 that I had been put together like a patchwork (拼缝物) doll and I had to live with 48 legs. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, 49 streaming down.But I knew in order to move forward, I had to let go of the Old Amy and 50 the New Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant 51 . And that is when it 52 me that I didn’t have to be five-foot-five anymore, 53 I could be as tall as I wanted. And 54 of all, I can make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were 55 here.Four months later, I was back upon a 56 . And this February, I won two Board World Cup gold medals, 57 me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world.So, instead of looking at our 58 and our limitations as something 59 or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful 60 that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.