Блокировка... || Я что то не пойму после того как я поставил графический ключ на некоторые приложения теперь требует ключ на всё куда бы не зашёл...эть как?лично мне это не очень удобно...да и постоянно пишет чистить телефон...
Lock ... | I don't understand that, then after I put the pattern on some applications now requires a key for everything wherever I went. jet' how? I personally it is not very convenient. Yes and constantly says to clean the phone.
Lock ... || I do not understand something after I put a pattern on some applications now requires the key to everything which would not have gone ... et what? I personally is not very convenient ... and constantly writes to clean the phone ...
the lock... | | i don't understand after i put a key in some applications is now the key to all wherever you go...эть how? personally, i don't feel comfortable, and always writes to the phone...