Section 1: Ghost Hunting<br>Teams learn about the project's Facebook trash Hunt campaign, and then you'll<br><br>Section 2: Fastest Footsteps<br>Usage Tools: Paper<br>How to Play:<br>-Members of the delegation are divided into several teams of equal number of people. Each person prepares two sheets of paper with his or her feet. Teams stack in front of the starting line, which is a 5-10m from line. When a Host command is available, the head of each team will go to the finish line by: Leave a piece of paper down to the ground and put a leg on it, then put the remaining piece of paper back down and step left up, simultaneously drawing the first piece of paper on top.<br>-Just keep doing it until the finish line. The winner is the first team to finish.<br>Rule: When you walk, you are only placed one leg on paper, and the other is not touched by ground. If hitting the ground, your team will be deducted points or time penalty after the end of the game.<br>Section 3: Protecting the Environment<br>Currently, the garbage is discharged to the environment too many, so members of IThink Camp will become volunteers to collect and sort garbage<br>Game rules: <br>-Divided into several teams. BTC will be able to hide the garbage (various types) with the symbol of IThink. The player's mission is to solve the code, search and sort the garbage in accordance with regulations.<br>-Code is the suggestion where garbage storage is stored. After 5 ' BTC will give 1 code to suggest. After you find it, the classification, if wrong classification, is not counted.<br>-After ending the team will be the most garbage, the right classification wins<br><br>Section 4: Bringing water to the forest<br>Background: (fantasy) due to environmental pollution and climate change, clean water has become increasingly limited, and many forests are falling into severe water shortages. IThinkCamp's campers as the "savior" of the green plant transports water from the source to the forests.<br>Tools:<br>-Wood sheet, plastic sheet or flat cover plate, waterproof. Size is about 1 sheet of A4 or smaller paper.<br>-Plastic cups.<br>-Large-sized water bucket.<br>Game rules:<br>-Divide the playing field into 3 parts. "Water source" and the small "forest" part. The "Water source" section puts a large bucket filled with water. The "Forest of trees" set a bucket.<br>-The player uses water-plastic cups from water buckets. Put plastic cups into wood/plastic panels/covers. When the "water source" is not touching the plastic cup.<br>-Bring the plastic to the "Tree forest", pour water into buckets. In the time specified, the team switched to the most water "tree forest" as the winner. (The teams can be ranked by the amount of water in the bucket)<br>-In the process of transportation if dropped, cup of wood/plastic/cover will have to transport again from scratch. The number of reshipped was 2.<br>Leg 5: <br>Leg 6: