France vows to punish IS 'act of war'
By Angela Charlton and Sylvie Corbet ,AP
November 15, 2015, 12:09 am TWN
PARIS -- French President Francois Hollande vowed to attack the Islamic State group without mercy as the jihadist group admitted responsibility Saturday for orchestrating the deadliest attacks inflicted on France since World War II.
Hollande, who declared three days of national mourning and raised the nation's security to its highest level, called the carnage "an act of war that was prepared, organized, planned from abroad with internal help."
Hollande said at least 127 people died Friday night in shootings at Paris cafes, suicide bombings near France's national stadium and a hostage-taking slaughter inside a concert hall.
The Islamic State group's claim of responsibility appeared in Arabic and French in an online statement circulated by IS supporters. It was not immediately possible to confirm the authenticity of the admission, which bore the group's logo and resembled previous verified statements from the group.
As Hollande addressed the nation, French anti-terror police worked to identify potential accomplices to the attackers, who remained a mystery to the public: their nationalities, their motives, even their exact number.
Authorities said eight died, seven in suicide bombings, a new terror tactic in France. Police said they shot and killed the other assailant.
Prosecutor's office spokeswoman Agnes Thibault-Lecuivre said authorities couldn't rule out the possibility that other militants involved in the attack remained at large.
World leaders united in sympathy and indignation, New York police increased security measures, and people worldwide reached out to friends and loved ones in France.
The violence raised questions about security for the millions of tourists who come to Paris and for world events routinely hosted in the normally luminous capital, where troops were deployed to support police trying to restore order.
One of Europe's most heavily visited tourist attractions, the Disneyland theme park east of the capital, announced it would not open for business Saturday, a rarity.
'France will be merciless'
Hollande said France — which is already bombing IS targets in Syria and Iraq as part of the U.S.-led coalition, and has troops fighting militants in Africa — "will be merciless toward the barbarians of Islamic State group."
Reflecting fears in other European capitals of the risk of coordinated or copycat attacks, the British government scheduled a meeting of its own emergency COBRA intelligence committee overseen by Prime Minister David Cameron. Italy said it, too, was raising security levels on borders and major public places.
Friday night's militants launched at least six gun and bomb attacks in rapid succession on apparently indiscriminate civilian targets.
Three suicide bombs targeted spots around the national Stade de France stadium, north of the capital, where Hollande was watching an exhibition soccer match. Fans inside the stadium recoiled at the sound of explosions, but the match continued amid rising spectator fears.
Around the same time, fusillades of bullets shattered the clinking of wine glasses in a trendy Paris neighborhood as gunmen targeted a string of cafes, which were crowded on an unusually balmy November night. At least 37 people were killed, according to Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins.
France vows to punish IS 'act of war'By Angela Charlton and Sylvie Corbet ,APNovember 15, 2015, 12:09 am TWNPARIS -- French President Francois Hollande vowed to attack the Islamic State group without mercy as the jihadist group admitted responsibility Saturday for orchestrating the deadliest attacks inflicted on France since World War II.Hollande, who declared three days of national mourning and raised the nation's security to its highest level, called the carnage "an act of war that was prepared, organized, planned from abroad with internal help."Hollande said at least 127 people died Friday night in shootings at Paris cafes, suicide bombings near France's national stadium and a hostage-taking slaughter inside a concert hall.The Islamic State group's claim of responsibility appeared in Arabic and French in an online statement circulated by IS supporters. It was not immediately possible to confirm the authenticity of the admission, which bore the group's logo and resembled previous verified statements from the group.As Hollande addressed the nation, French anti-terror police worked to identify potential accomplices to the attackers, who remained a mystery to the public: their nationalities, their motives, even their exact number.Authorities said eight died, seven in suicide bombings, a new terror tactic in France. Police said they shot and killed the other assailant.Prosecutor's office spokeswoman Agnes Thibault-Lecuivre said authorities couldn't rule out the possibility that other militants involved in the attack remained at large.世界各國領導人團結在同情和憤慨,紐約警方加強的保安措施,和全世界人民伸向朋友和所愛的人在法國。暴力事件提出質疑安全數以百萬計的遊客前來巴黎和世界活動定期主辦在正常發光的首都,部隊出動支援員警試圖恢復秩序。歐洲的訪問量最大的旅遊景點之一,迪士尼樂園主題公園東部的首都,宣佈它將不為業務星期六,稀有。' 法國無情的將 '奧朗德稱,法國 — — 這已經轟炸目標在敘利亞和伊拉克的美國領導的聯軍,一部分和具有作戰的武裝分子在非洲部隊 — —"將是不講情面的伊斯蘭國家集團的野蠻人"。反映在其他歐洲國家的首都的協調或模仿攻擊的風險的擔憂,英國政府計畫由首相 David Cameron 自己緊急眼鏡蛇情報委員會會議。義大利說它,也提高對邊界和主要公共場所的安全級別。週五晚上的激進分子發起對顯然不分青紅皂白的平民目標快速連續至少六槍和炸彈襲擊。三個自殺炸彈目標點周圍國家法蘭西體育場,在首都以北,奧朗德在看一場足球友誼賽。球場內的球迷的爆炸聲,聲音就退縮了,但比賽繼續上升觀眾擔心。Around the same time, fusillades of bullets shattered the clinking of wine glasses in a trendy Paris neighborhood as gunmen targeted a string of cafes, which were crowded on an unusually balmy November night. At least 37 people were killed, according to Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins.