00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:09,580
Jennifer will can explore of light and I
lead workshops and seminars for nature
00:00:09,580 --> 00:00:14,780
and landscape photography as well as for
night photography too and today we're
00:00:14,780 --> 00:00:18,140
going to talk about night photography
and night photography opened up a whole
00:00:18,140 --> 00:00:23,010
new world of possibilities when the Sun
Goes Down and then the stars are
00:00:23,010 --> 00:00:26,510
revealed as well as a whole unique
landscape it's so beautiful and I can't
00:00:26,510 --> 00:00:30,699
wait to share it with you as well as
photographing the night sky now no one
00:00:30,699 --> 00:00:34,329
taught me how to photograph the night
sky I went out by trial and error
00:00:34,329 --> 00:00:39,149
figured it out and made lots of mistakes
and eventually got to a way of finding
00:00:39,149 --> 00:00:43,920
out how it works so that it looked to my
liking so what will you learn in this
00:00:43,920 --> 00:00:48,960
class we are going to not cover basic
operations which you can watch a class
00:00:48,960 --> 00:00:53,550
with the kalbi on basic camera
operations but what you learned is
00:00:53,550 --> 00:00:58,000
camera equipment recommendations
preparing how to shoot camera settings
00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:03,239
to use how to focus how to scout for
those nighttime locations how to make
00:01:03,239 --> 00:01:08,590
creative compositions how to photograph
the moon go over some really cool and
00:01:08,590 --> 00:01:12,270
special light painting techniques as
well as post processing your nice
00:01:12,270 --> 00:01:17,409
photographs so that you can get these
amazing shots and turn your kind of dole
00:01:17,409 --> 00:01:21,070
images to make them go wow and then
we'll wrap it up with a little bit of
00:01:21,070 --> 00:01:25,659
time lapse and then call it a day and go
to share those with you and hopefully
00:01:25,659 --> 00:01:30,610
you will enjoy watching this
presentation and have a lot of fun going
00:01:30,610 --> 00:01:34,640
out and expression your own vision and
your own style because everybody has a
00:01:34,640 --> 00:01:39,430
unique way of seeing and unique way of
making compositions and photograph those
00:01:39,430 --> 00:01:40,600
and share them with the world
100:00:00,000--> 00:00:09,580珍妮弗将可以探索光与铅的讲习班和研讨会的性质200:00:09,580--> 00:00:14,780和景观摄影以及作为为夜间摄影也和今天我们300:00:14,780--> 00:00:18,140要谈夜间摄影和夜间摄影,开启了400:00:18,140--> 00:00:23,010新世界的可能性的时候太阳走下来,然后星星是500:00:23,010--> 00:00:26,510显示以及完整的唯一它是如此美丽的风景,我不能600:00:26,510--> 00:00:30,699迫不及待地想与你分享它,以及拍摄夜晚的天空,现在没有人700:00:30,699--> 00:00:34,329教我如何拍摄夜晚我出去散了试验和错误的天空800:00:34,329--> 00:00:39,149想出来和犯过许多错误最后终于因发现的一种方式900:00:39,149--> 00:00:43,920出它是如何工作,它看起来对我喜欢这样将你学到什么在这1000:00:43,920--> 00:00:48,960我们要去不覆盖基本的类你可以看的操作类1100:00:48,960--> 00:00:53,550与基本的相机 kalbi操作但你学到了什么是1200:00:53,550--> 00:00:58,000照相机设备建议准备如何拍摄相机设置1300:00:58,000--> 00:01:03,239使用如何集中如何寻找这些夜间的地点如何使1400:01:03,239--> 00:01:08,590creative compositions how to photographthe moon go over some really cool and1500:01:08,590 --> 00:01:12,270special light painting techniques aswell as post processing your nice1600:01:12,270 --> 00:01:17,409photographs so that you can get theseamazing shots and turn your kind of dole1700:01:17,409 --> 00:01:21,070images to make them go wow and thenwe'll wrap it up with a little bit of1800:01:21,070 --> 00:01:25,659time lapse and then call it a day and goto share those with you and hopefully1900:01:25,659 --> 00:01:30,610you will enjoy watching thispresentation and have a lot of fun going2000:01:30,610 --> 00:01:34,640out and expression your own vision andyour own style because everybody has a2100:01:34,640 --> 00:01:39,430unique way of seeing and unique way ofmaking compositions and photograph those2200:01:39,430 --> 00:01:40,600and share them with the world