In the Small Car segment, increase in market share to 13.3% (as against 12.7%, in the previous year), with the growingsales of Indica Vista, sales of the Nano and the Fiat Punto;- Commencement of sales of Nano in July 2009 and completing deliveries of 30,763 cars to the customers andcommencement of trial production in the Sanand plant.- The Indigo range sales of 54,551 units, a growth of 10.9% over the previous year and also the highest ever sales bythe Company in this range, mainly due to the launch of the Indigo Manza in October 2009.- Sale of 33,507 Multi-Utility Vehicles (MUVs), a decline of 14.7% against the last year and as a result the market sharedropped to 12.4%. The Grande Mk II which was launched in December 2009 has been well accepted in the market and isexpected to help in regaining market share in the UV segment.