I see," Mr. Shen paused and scanned the stacks of
props that cluttered the warehouse space. "I apologies that
I do not have a thin model sawing at the present, but may I offer
an alternative."
"Of course," was Stan's response.
In a twinkle Ja-Jen was gone and shortly he returned down an
aisle pushing something that looked like what Stan wanted. On
closer inspection Stan found that the top was not single doors
but double doors, not a problem, and the upper portion had holes
for hands in, that would make it more convincing. Stan was sold.
"You seem satisfied," observed Mr. Shen. "There
is only the matter of payment for hire of the equipment, for one
week. Five hundred dollars, cash, in advance." Ja-Jen held
out his hand. Stan had forgotten about cash and did not carry
such amounts. He was desperate. Stan hit out, knocked the
oriental to the floor and ran to the door with the equipment.
As Stan was loading the illusion into the van, he heard the
oriental shouting in the store. The last thing he heard as he got
into the van to drive away was, "Stan, I curse you, that in
the use of that illusion you and your assistant will get what you
Stan went back to the office to return the van and store the
illusion. He felt satisfied and said to himself that he would
give Mr. Shen a cheque for $700 when he returned the illusion.
This he promptly forgot.