00:21:16,870 --> 00:21:19,950
I'm doing this I'm testing everything
out so that's one really important part
00:21:19,950 --> 00:21:23,419
of the process is something I like to
call proof lighting which is just
00:21:23,419 --> 00:21:27,570
testing lawyer systems making sure that
everything is functioning properly
00:21:27,570 --> 00:21:32,390
this way when you get on set and you're
ready to shoot you're confident and
00:21:32,390 --> 00:21:36,830
you're good leader and everything runs
really smoothly so definitely check out
00:21:36,830 --> 00:21:41,730
your gear prior to you should make sure
all systems are working properly I think
00:21:41,730 --> 00:21:46,350
this was done probably the night before
the shoot so alright that's one of the
00:21:46,350 --> 00:21:50,090
first things that I want to do since we
have a lot of different shoots here you
00:21:50,090 --> 00:21:55,940
can see we start off in the theater and
then we move up to the balcony and then
00:21:55,940 --> 00:22:00,130
we go to the projection booth should set
up and then we got a couple of window
00:22:00,130 --> 00:22:04,310
set-ups here and then a doorway
00:22:04,310 --> 00:22:08,460
wall and just a ton of great stuff so in
order to what I want to do to make the
00:22:08,460 --> 00:22:15,340
editing easier is to break everything
down into more manageable chunks so the
00:22:15,340 --> 00:22:20,180
way that I'll do that is using
collections so the first thing that will
00:22:20,180 --> 00:22:25,870
do is not going to be a positive
according as I go through all this on
00:22:25,870 --> 00:22:28,660
our show you one of them and then I'll
do the rest and then we'll come back
00:22:28,660 --> 00:22:33,400
alright so first thing that I'll do is
create a collection set that's going to
00:22:33,400 --> 00:22:37,740
be basically a container for all of the
collections that were gonna create so
00:22:37,740 --> 00:22:46,920
I'll call this digital classroom ok and
thats top-level I don't want to put that
00:22:46,920 --> 00:22:51,190
inside another collection senators want
to use that as the main collection sets
00:22:51,190 --> 00:22:59,960
will create that ok perfect and let's go
back to the catalog and now it will do
00:22:59,960 --> 00:23:05,030
is we will select everything within this
first range of images here I'll just
00:23:05,030 --> 00:23:27,770
call this theater we're done and there
we go and now I will on
00:23:27,770 --> 00:23:37,530
here we go ok and click on the we lost
our selection let's go down to the film
00:23:37,530 --> 00:23:44,710
strip and take it all the way to the end
here we go
00:23:44,710 --> 00:23:49,710
ok perfect click on the plus sign
00:23:49,710 --> 00:23:57,910
create collection and we want to include
a check this box here includes selected
00:23:57,910 --> 00:23:59,130
00:23:59,130 --> 00:24:03,940
all right and we want to put this inside
a collection sites like this and I'll
00:24:03,940 --> 00:24:07,600
choose my digital classroom collections
that's good that's a container that's
00:24:07,600 --> 00:24:12,840
going to hold all of these collections
that are going to be broken down into
00:24:12,840 --> 00:24:18,270
the different areas where we shot just
to make it easier so I don't have to
00:24:18,270 --> 00:24:24,400
look at so many images at one time so
we'll call this theater and now since I
00:24:24,400 --> 00:24:30,020
chosen include selected photos those
will all be in their negative got 39
00:24:30,020 --> 00:24:35,830
photos in there they are perfect
00:24:35,830 --> 00:24:42,620
alright gonna go through and create
collections sets for all of those and we
00:24:42,620 --> 00:24:48,630
will join you back in a minute
00:24:48,630 --> 00:24:54,810
alright I have created all of the
collections we talked about you can see
00:24:54,810 --> 00:24:59,090
here that we've got quite a few I think
we should about fourteen different
00:24:59,090 --> 00:25:03,670
locations or thirteen different
locations so I created a collection for
00:25:03,670 --> 00:25:08,610
each of them just to make it a little
bit easier to edit in smaller segments
00:25:08,610 --> 00:25:12,110
so you can see here that each one has a
number next to it which tells me how
00:25:12,110 --> 00:25:18,440
many images are in that particular
collection of also numbered them and by
00:25:18,440 --> 00:25:23,360
doing that they'll fall in the order
that I want if I did not do that I
00:25:23,360 --> 00:25:26,620
didn't go over that when I was naming
these originally I went in and renamed
00:25:26,620 --> 00:25:30,240
them so that they would fall in the
order that I wanted rather than in
00:25:30,240 --> 00:25:34,630
alphabetical order so I can I wanted
them in the order that we shot that more
00:25:34,630 --> 00:25:40,810
less so let me show you how I did that
got one year left that has not been
00:25:40,810 --> 00:25:45,370
renamed so basically I'm gonna do hold
of my control key on a Mac and I'm going
00:25:45,370 --> 00:25:51,270
to click right click here and select
00:25:51,270 --> 00:25:58,070
my cursor right before their and also we
left off at 12 so this one has 13 and
00:25:58,070 --> 00:26:00,500
there we go
00:26:00,500 --> 00:26:06,470
been renamed there we go so we've got
thirteen different areas different
00:26:06,470 --> 00:26:11,930
shoots to edit ok so first thing that I
want to do is I want to start calling
00:26:11,930 --> 00:26:18,400
down the chute and paring down and just
choosing my selects so I would do what
00:26:18,400 --> 00:26:23,260
is called editing editing out rather
than editing and I get rid of all the
00:26:23,260 --> 00:26:28,220
images and whittle them down to just the
ones that I like and I do that using
00:26:28,220 --> 00:26:34,540
flax and filters in in Lightroom so the
first thing I want to do is turn on my
00:26:34,540 --> 00:26:40,510
filters and I'll do that using the
forward slash key here and that's going
00:26:40,510 --> 00:26:45,560
to turn on my filters you can see that
and right now it's just brought up the
00:26:45,560 --> 00:26:55,080
filters panel filters are still off here
and I will select one flag only ok so by
00:26:55,080 --> 00:26:56,269
doing that
00:26:56,269 --> 00:27:04,109
labor is only going to show me larry was
only going to show me the images that do
00:27:04,109 --> 00:27:12,820
not have flags applied to them so using
my either my ex key or my in this case
00:27:12,820 --> 00:27:16,999
my RPG keys keyboard what i'll do is
i'll just hit the reject key or the X
00:27:16,999 --> 00:27:22,139
key on the keyboard and when I do that
each of the images will then disappear
00:27:22,139 --> 00:27:26,729
will still be in my Lightroom catalog
but they'll just be hidden because they
00:27:26,729 --> 00:27:32,379
will not have a flag applied to them and
the and i've instructed Lightroom to
00:27:32,379 --> 00:27:39,029
only show me images that have a that do
not have a flag apply to them so you can
00:27:39,029 --> 00:27:42,759
see here just by clicking and clicking
all of those are images that we do not
00:27:42,759 --> 00:27:44,969
want and there we go
00:27:44,969 --> 00:27:49,559
ok so super easy to edit all of these in
again where I'm going to go through and
00:27:49,559 --> 00:27:54,599
do all the editing and then come back
once I've edited down the entire group
00:27:54,599 --> 00:28:00,289
of collections and then we will move
into Photoshop for doing some Photoshop
00:28:00,289 --> 00:28:04,029
editing post-processing so one of the
things I want to show you one of the
00:28:04,029 --> 00:28:10,239
really cool things about this keyboard
here is that you can look at 6 images up
00:28:10,239 --> 00:28:14,159
for example using the compare mode is a
great way to your editing whether you
00:28:14,159 --> 00:28:17,940
got the keyboard obviously or not but
you can program it to look at 6 images
00:28:17,940 --> 00:28:23,999
up at one time which is pretty cool its
if I can get that there we go so I just
00:28:23,999 --> 00:28:27,509
program that onto one of the keys and
right away I'm looking at six different
00:28:27,509 --> 00:28:31,940
image that this is a way that I really
like to work once have sort of narrow
00:28:31,940 --> 00:28:36,489
down the images more than what I have
here typically you know I would go
00:28:36,489 --> 00:28:40,349
through and get rid of all that you know
mister exposures and setup shots and
00:28:40,349 --> 00:28:44,769
things like that but I wanted to show
this to you because I'm gonna go through
00:28:44,769 --> 00:28:49,079
the editing you know off offline here in
a minute but one of the things I want to
00:28:49,079 --> 00:28:51,929
show you really have to be careful with
this because what i'll do is i'll go
00:28:51,929 --> 00:28:56,249
through here and let's say this is not
an image that I want all rejected ok
00:28:56,249 --> 00:28:56,980
that's good
00:28:56,980 --> 00:29:02,120
and I'll do the next one etcetera but if
you are you single out and sinking auto
00:29:02,120 --> 00:29:08,410
sync are great ways to do to apply the
same correction across a group of images
00:29:08,410 --> 00:29:13,980
really fantastic so for example I could
have all of these with auto sync I can
00:29:13,980 --> 00:29:17,559
go and I can make a temperature or toner
and exposure control and it's going to
00:29:17,559 --> 00:29:24,040
make that same correction to all of the
images however if I'm also editing at
00:29:24,040 --> 00:29:28,990
the same time for example if I go to
this image which I know is you know it's
24500:21:16,870--> 00:21:19,950我这样做,我测试的一切出这就是一个很重要的一部分34W00:21:19,950--> 00:21:23,419进程的是我喜欢的东西打电话给证明的照明系统,只是24700:21:23,419--> 00:21:27,570测试确保律师制度一切都正常工作24800:21:27,570--> 00:21:32,390这种方式,当你换上一套你准备好拍摄你自信和24900:21:32,390--> 00:21:36,830你是好的领导者和一切运行真的顺利所以肯定签出25000:21:36,830--> 00:21:41,730你的装备之前,你应该确保所有系统都正常我想25100:21:41,730--> 00:21:46,350这样做是可能前一天晚上拍摄好的所以这是一个25200:21:46,350--> 00:21:50,090我想要从那以后我们做的第一件事有很多的不同枝在这里你25300:21:50,090--> 00:21:55,940可以看到我们在剧院里开始和然后我们将移到阳台上,然后25400:21:55,940--> 00:22:00,130我们去投影展台应设置起来,然后我们有几个窗口的25500:22:00,130--> 00:22:04,310这里的设置,然后门口25600:22:04,310--> 00:22:08,460墙上的只是一吨的大东西所以在为了想做什么,使25700:22:08,460--> 00:22:15,340编辑更容易是打破一切分解成更易于管理的块所以25800:22:15,340 --> 00:22:20,180way that I'll do that is usingcollections so the first thing that will25900:22:20,180 --> 00:22:25,870do is not going to be a positiveaccording as I go through all this on26000:22:25,870 --> 00:22:28,660our show you one of them and then I'lldo the rest and then we'll come back26100:22:28,660 --> 00:22:33,400alright so first thing that I'll do iscreate a collection set that's going to26200:22:33,400 --> 00:22:37,740be basically a container for all of thecollections that were gonna create so26300:22:37,740 --> 00:22:46,920I'll call this digital classroom ok andthats top-level I don't want to put that26400:22:46,920 --> 00:22:51,190inside another collection senators wantto use that as the main collection sets26500:22:51,190 --> 00:22:59,960will create that ok perfect and let's goback to the catalog and now it will do26600:22:59,960 --> 00:23:05,030is we will select everything within thisfirst range of images here I'll just26700:23:05,030 --> 00:23:27,770call this theater we're done and therewe go and now I will on26800:23:27,770 --> 00:23:37,530here we go ok and click on the we lostour selection let's go down to the film26900:23:37,530 --> 00:23:44,710strip and take it all the way to the endhere we go27000:23:44,710 --> 00:23:49,710ok perfect click on the plus sign27100:23:49,710 --> 00:23:57,910create collection and we want to include选择此框在这里包括支票27200:23:57,910--> 00:23:59,130照片27300:23:59,130--> 00:24:03,940所有的权利,我们想把这里面像这样的集合地点,我会27400:24:03,940--> 00:24:07,600选择我数字教室集合这是一种容器的好的27500:24:07,600--> 00:24:12,840要容纳所有这些集合他们要分解成27600:24:12,840--> 00:24:18,270不同的领域,我们只是拍摄的地方要使它更容易,所以才找不到27700:24:18,270--> 00:24:24,400看看这么多图像一次所以我们会打电话给这个剧院和自从我现在27800:24:24,400--> 00:24:30,020选择包括选中的照片将所有在他们负得到 39 吗27900:24:30,020--> 00:24:35,830照片在那里他们是完美的28000:24:35,830--> 00:24:42,620好吧要去创建对所有那些和我们的收藏集28100:24:42,620--> 00:24:48,630会和你一起回来28200:24:48,630--> 00:24:54,810好吧我已经创建了所有的我们谈到你的收藏品可以看到28300:24:54,810--> 00:24:59,090在这里,我们有很多我认为我们应该约十四不同28400:24:59,090--> 00:25:03,670地点或十三不同因此创建了集合的地点28500:25:03,670--> 00:25:08,610他们只是为了让这一点每个人都位更容易在较小的段中进行编辑28600:25:08,610 --> 00:25:12,110so you can see here that each one has anumber next to it which tells me how28700:25:12,110 --> 00:25:18,440many images are in that particularcollection of also numbered them and by28800:25:18,440 --> 00:25:23,360doing that they'll fall in the orderthat I want if I did not do that I28900:25:23,360 --> 00:25:26,620didn't go over that when I was namingthese originally I went in and renamed29000:25:26,620 --> 00:25:30,240them so that they would fall in theorder that I wanted rather than in29100:25:30,240 --> 00:25:34,630alphabetical order so I can I wantedthem in the order that we shot that more29200:25:34,630 --> 00:25:40,810less so let me show you how I did thatgot one year left that has not been29300:25:40,810 --> 00:25:45,370renamed so basically I'm gonna do holdof my control key on a Mac and I'm going29400:25:45,370 --> 00:25:51,270to click right click here and selectRename29500:25:51,270 --> 00:25:58,070my cursor right before their and also weleft off at 12 so this one has 13 and29600:25:58,070 --> 00:26:00,500there we go29700:26:00,500 --> 00:26:06,470been renamed there we go so we've gotthirteen different areas different29800:26:06,470 --> 00:26:11,930shoots to edit ok so first thing that Iwant to do is I want to start calling29900:26:11,930 --> 00:26:18,400down the chute and paring down and justchoosing my selects so I would do what30000:26:18,400--> 00:26:23,260被称为编辑编辑相当比编辑,我摆脱所有的30100:26:23,260--> 00:26:28,220图像和他们削减到只是我喜欢的人和我做那使用30200:26:28,220--> 00:26:34,540亚麻和过滤器在 Lightroom 所以我想要做的第一件事上是轮到我30300:26:34,540--> 00:26:40,510筛选器,我会尽用正斜杠此处的关键点,这会30400:26:40,510--> 00:26:45,560若要打开我的筛选器可以看到,现在它只长大30500:26:45,560--> 00:26:55,080筛选器面板筛选器还远这里我会选择一个标志只有好所以用30600:26:55,080--> 00:26:56,269做那件事30700:26:56,269--> 00:27:04,109劳动只会告诉我拉里只想告诉我做的图像30800:27:04,109--> 00:27:12,820不具有应用于它们如此使用的标志我或者我的前女友键或我在这种情况下30900:27:12,820--> 00:27:16,999我 RPG 键键盘自己会做什么是我只是揍拒绝键或 X31000:27:16,999--> 00:27:22,139键在键盘上,当我这样做每个图像然后将消失31100:27:22,139--> 00:27:26,729仍然会在我 Lightroom 目录但他们只是会被隐藏,因为他们31200:27:26,729--> 00:27:32,379不会应用到他们的国旗和和我已经指示到 Lightroom31300:27:32,379--> 00:27:39,029仅显示我的图像,有的做没有适用于他们,所以你可以一面旗帜31400:27:39,029--> 00:27:42,759在这里见到,只是通过单击,单击所有这些都是我们不这样做的图像31500:27:42,759--> 00:27:44,969想和我们去那里31600:27:44,969--> 00:27:49,559好吧所以超级容易编辑所有这些在再次,我要去经历和31700:27:49,559--> 00:27:54,599做编辑,然后再回来一次我已经编辑了得下来整个组31800:27:54,599--> 00:28:00,289集合,然后我们将进 Photoshop 做一些 Photoshop31900:28:00,289--> 00:28:04,029编辑后处理所以之一我想向你展示一个事情32000:28:04,029--> 00:28:10,239很酷的事情,关于这个键盘这里是你可以看 6 图像22 P00:28:10,239--> 00:28:14,159例如,使用比较模式是伟大的方式来编辑是否你32200:28:14,159--> 00:28:17,940有键盘,明显或不但是你可以使它看 6 的图像32300:28:17,940--> 00:28:23,999最多一次这是很酷的如果,那里我们去所以我只是32400:28:23,999--> 00:28:27,509程序上的关键因素之一,马上在看了六种不同32500:28:27,509--> 00:28:31,940形象的说这是一种方式,我真的一次去工作有窄排序22W00:28:31,940--> 00:28:36,489比我的有更多图片here typically you know I would go32700:28:36,489 --> 00:28:40,349through and get rid of all that you knowmister exposures and setup shots and32800:28:40,349 --> 00:28:44,769things like that but I wanted to showthis to you because I'm gonna go through32900:28:44,769 --> 00:28:49,079the editing you know off offline here ina minute but one of the things I want to33000:28:49,079 --> 00:28:51,929show you really have to be careful withthis because what i'll do is i'll go33100:28:51,929 --> 00:28:56,249through here and let's say this is notan image that I want all rejected ok33200:28:56,249 --> 00:28:56,980that's good33300:28:56,980 --> 00:29:02,120and I'll do the next one etcetera but ifyou are you single out and sinking auto33400:29:02,120 --> 00:29:08,410sync are great ways to do to apply thesame correction across a group of images33500:29:08,410 --> 00:29:13,980really fantastic so for example I couldhave all of these with auto sync I can33600:29:13,980 --> 00:29:17,559go and I can make a temperature or tonerand exposure control and it's going to33700:29:17,559 --> 00:29:24,040make that same correction to all of theimages however if I'm also editing at33800:29:24,040 --> 00:29:28,990the same time for example if I go tothis image which I know is you know it's