佩妮桑顿,英国著名占星师,前戴安娜王妃御用占星师,“曾陪伴戴妃度过最艰难时光”并出有相关书籍。运势风格偏事件指导。 转载请注明“星译社”及译的中文翻譯

















The Week Ahead

We may begin each year on 1st January, but the zodiac’s year begins on 21st March or thereabouts - the date is variable due to the fact that the Sun reaches zero degrees of Aries at a different time each year. And when you come to think of it, how much more appropriate is the birth of spring to the start of a year than mid-winter. (As always apologies to those of you south of the equator who are basking in the summer sun right now, but astrology has its roots in ancient Sumeria (modern day Iraq) so the zodiac reflects the seasons according to the northern hemisphere.)So, here we are in the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn and is it any surprise that we are gazing with horror at the bills arriving on our doorsteps and dealing with all manner of issues that we conveniently removed to the box marked “pending” before Christmas.

We can count our blessing while counting the cost of Christmas past.

The Week Ahead for Aries

Keep on going.

Mercury may still be on a backwards slide but that doesn’t mean you cannot make progress on any front. And this week’s developments may prove my point. A helpful link between the Sun and Mercury in the zone of life goals and Jupiter in the area of work could produce an offer which will add to your prestige or some other event that boosts your morale.

Should you be job hunting or seeking to add to your CV this is a good week to reconnect with an ex-employer or someone with whom you have had dealings in the past. 2016 requires patience, so do not assume that a rebuff is a sign that you are on the wrong track; it is a spur to your eventual success.

The Week Ahead for Taurus

Spreading your wings.

Things of a far away nature are still top of the Taurean list, and even though travel chief, Mercury, is in retrograde there are benefits to be found in distant places and with people in foreign parts. So, if you are currently somewhat disenchanted with your lot maybe it is time you widened your net? If a romance has recently ended or work is far from plentiful, avoid employing the same old strategies and instead explore new ones.

It may seem as if the wind is against you but in slowing you down it is helping you see things you would otherwise miss. If there is a theme to mid-January it is going out of your comfort zone.

The Week Ahead for Gemini

Wait a minute.

Appearances are deceptive. You may have experienced a disappointment recently or perhaps you are having a difficult time with a partner or close associate, but rather than give up take the time to look at the situation from the other person’s perspective. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. It is possible that you have misread the situation.

Early in the year may seem to be the right time to make big and bold decisions - and I’m not saying you cannot or should not - but I am suggesting that it is also a period when people are regrouping and some situations remain up in the air. There is much to be gained from being a sympathetic ear and giving someone a little more time.

The Week Ahead for Cancer

Finding a window of opportunity.

From the ridiculous to the sublime! If last week found you battling against the astrological elements now you are receiving planetary bouquets. Maybe what seemed so unwelcome is now looking rather more positive or perhaps you are just back in gear after the Christmas break. Whatever the case, the force is with you.

It may be worth your while returning to a matter that was left hanging or ended unsatisfactorily. In the gap of time people may have revised their position and there is more to talk about. Take the initiative because if nothing else you need to practice the art of gaining the upper hand by making the first move.

The Week Ahead for Leo

Getting back on track.

Could the sun be coming out? Well, maybe not the real sun but this week’s astro-scape brings out the sunshine in life. And given that the past couple of weeks have been anything but smooth and seamless, maybe now you can really start your new year. Money and work are areas of growth at the moment, and although this may translate as making a killing in the high street sales, if you need to strike deals with financial institutions or talk salary structures, you should be very pleased with the result.

Half the battle with getting life to meet your expectations is to back those expectations with faith and hard-work.

The Week Ahead for Virgo

Happy days.

Jupiter finally joins the new year party giving you your first opportunity of 2016 to make progress or simply to enjoy life. Actions taken under this kind of astrological canopy bring success, whether immediately or a little further down the line. So, have the courage of your ambitions. Mercury continues on its retrograde journey, slowing down the wheels of commerce and communication but this does not mean you cannot achieve great things or that offers and opportunities are bound to fizzle out.

Sometimes the longer a situation takes to come together, the better it turns out in the end.

The Week Ahead for Libra

Thinking ahead.

With the sun making its way through the base of your horoscope, now is the time to put in the foundations of new projects and to foster family relations. Some Librans will be inspired to make home improvements while others will feel the need to resolve tensions within the family. And whatever moves you make this week you should be well pleased with the results.

It might also prove useful to look at your accounts in the event that some large bills will become due toward the end of the month. Should you realize that you are facing an imminent cash-flow crisis now is the time to start talking to the money people and putting in a few fire walls.

The Week Ahead for Scorpio

Taking your time.

Even if your mind is taken up with things of the relationship kind, do your best to focus on practicalities and finances. These expansive influences will help you succeed in business transactions and they will help you get places in the literal and figurative way. Mercury may still be heading south and causing the occasional frustrating episode, but you can still achieve positive results, and you can certainly enjoy life.

Nevertheless, thinking ahead, if a situation is struggling at the moment, you may have to start figuring out what you might do should it peter out completely. Do your research, explore your options but for now do not go for a full frontal attack.

The Week Ahead for Sagittarius

You can do it.

This has not been the sweetest of starts to a new year, but things are improving. However grey life seemed a week or so ago, you should be seeing little sparks of light. And if not, make a list of all the positives currently in your life and keep focussing on them - better still, adding to them. Self-worth, whether in terms of your value as a person or your financial position is in the centre of cosmic affairs making this an ideal moment to confront the reality and make sensible moves.

Maybe you are not being appreciated, perhaps the coffers are looking a little bare, but there are ways to remedy the situation even if you are reluctant to use them.

The Week Ahead for Capricorn

Going where you have never gone before.

Now that the holidays are officially over it is not just time to get back into the routine grove but to mount a plan of attack. The reason some of your ideas have failed to materialize is because you relied on old strategies which may have worked in times past but are not suited to the current climate. I may have said this before and I certainly mentioned it in my year ahead forecast, success and happiness may well lie outside familiar territory, whether this involves seeking a job in another part of the world or widening the net when it comes to finding backers, partners and fulfilling your talents.

Use this week’s trail blazing influences to indeed, blaze a new trail.

The Week Ahead for Aquarius

Following your intuition.

With a cluster of planets in the soft-focus twelfth house you may be experiencing a little difficulty in getting to grip with practicalities. This is fine if you’re on vacation or taking a break from the routine round, but more of a problem if you are required to be in charge and make some important decisions. Ideally you should delay a decision for a week or so until the Sun is in your sign and Mercury back on track, but if your back is against the wall take counsel from people you trust.

Your intuition, on the other hand, could be on steroids, and a hunch regarding a financial matter or an affair of the heart should be followed through.

The Week Ahead for Pisces

Wait and see.

Positive aspects to Jupiter in the zone of relating could do great things for a relationship that is in distress. It may also do great things for your ego. Over the next few months people will be more prepared to recognize your value, which will help you gain work and make progress across the board; and, if you are looking for love you have a seriously good chance of finding it.

At this point in January signals being sent to you should be taken seriously, whether someone appears to be putting a distance between the two of you or drawing you closer. You may not need to do anything immediately - in fact, a watch and wait policy is advised.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
佩妮桑顿,英国著名占星师,前戴安娜王妃御用占星师,“曾陪伴戴妃度过最艰难时光”并出有相关书籍。 运势风格偏事件指导。 转载请注明“星译社”及译者,谢谢 ☆☆☆白羊座——译者: ☆☆☆金牛座——译者: ☆☆☆双子座——译者: ☆☆☆巨蟹座——译者: ☆☆☆狮子座——译者: ☆☆☆处女座——译者: ☆☆☆天秤座——译者: ☆☆☆天蝎座——译者: ☆☆☆射手座——译者: ☆☆☆摩羯座——译者: ☆☆☆水瓶座——译者: ☆☆☆双鱼座——译者: 原文:The Week AheadWe may begin each year on 1st January, but the zodiac’s year begins on 21st March or thereabouts - the date is variable due to the fact that the Sun reaches zero degrees of Aries at a different time each year. And when you come to think of it, how much more appropriate is the birth of spring to the start of a year than mid-winter. (As always apologies to those of you south of the equator who are basking in the summer sun right now, but astrology has its roots in ancient Sumeria (modern day Iraq) so the zodiac reflects the seasons according to the northern hemisphere.) So, here we are in the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn and is it any surprise that we are gazing with horror at the bills arriving on our doorsteps and dealing with all manner of issues that we conveniently removed to the box marked “pending” before Christmas.我们可以指望我们的祝福,同时计数圣诞节过去的成本。未来对于白羊座周坚持下去。水星仍可能将向后滑动,但这并不意味着你不能在任何方面取得进展。这个星期的事态发展可能会证明我的观点。太阳和人生目标区水星和木星在工作领域之间的有用链接可能会产生将添加到你的声望或提高你的士气的一些其他事件的报价。你应该找工作或寻求将添加到您的简历,这是愉快的一周前雇主或有人跟你曾有交往过去重新连接。2016 需要耐心,所以不要以为断然拒绝了是表明你是在错误的道路;是一种刺激到你最终的成功。未来对于金牛座周展开你的翅膀。遥远的本质的东西还有金牛座列表的顶部,即使旅行院长,汞,是在逆行有好处将被发现在遥远的地方,人们在外国零件。所以,如果你目前有点失望也许你很多它是的时候你扩大你的网?如果刚结束一段恋情或工作一点也不充足,避免采用了同样的老策略,转而探索新的。它可能看起来好像风是反对你但你放慢它正在帮助你看到你可能会错过的东西。还有到 1 月中旬的主题就从你的舒适区。未来对于双子座周等一会。外表是靠不住的。你可能最近经历过失望或也许你有困难的时候你的搭档或结成亲密的合作伙伴,但而不是放弃花时间去看看从对方的角度来看情况。在别人的鞋子走一英里。有可能你看错了形势。早在一年似乎是正确的时间做出重大的、 大胆的决定-和我不说你不能或不应该-但我的意思,它也一段时间,当人们正在重新集结,某些情况下保持了在空气中。有很多从被同情的耳朵和一个人付出更多的时间获得。未来的癌周找到一个机会之窗。从崇高到荒谬!如果上周发现你占星学的元素作斗争,现在你已经得到行星的花束。也许看起来那么不受欢迎现在正在更积极或也许你是刚刚回到齿轮在圣诞节后。无论如何,力量是与你。它可能是值得你回到物质是挂,或令人不满地结束。在时间的差距的人可能已经调整过他们的立场,还有更多谈谈。采取主动,因为如果没有别的你需要练习的艺术的占了上风的迈出第一步。The Week Ahead for LeoGetting back on track. Could the sun be coming out? Well, maybe not the real sun but this week’s astro-scape brings out the sunshine in life. And given that the past couple of weeks have been anything but smooth and seamless, maybe now you can really start your new year. Money and work are areas of growth at the moment, and although this may translate as making a killing in the high street sales, if you need to strike deals with financial institutions or talk salary structures, you should be very pleased with the result.Half the battle with getting life to meet your expectations is to back those expectations with faith and hard-work.The Week Ahead for VirgoHappy days. Jupiter finally joins the new year party giving you your first opportunity of 2016 to make progress or simply to enjoy life. Actions taken under this kind of astrological canopy bring success, whether immediately or a little further down the line. So, have the courage of your ambitions. Mercury continues on its retrograde journey, slowing down the wheels of commerce and communication but this does not mean you cannot achieve great things or that offers and opportunities are bound to fizzle out.Sometimes the longer a situation takes to come together, the better it turns out in the end.The Week Ahead for LibraThinking ahead. With the sun making its way through the base of your horoscope, now is the time to put in the foundations of new projects and to foster family relations. Some Librans will be inspired to make home improvements while others will feel the need to resolve tensions within the family. And whatever moves you make this week you should be well pleased with the results.It might also prove useful to look at your accounts in the event that some large bills will become due toward the end of the month. Should you realize that you are facing an imminent cash-flow crisis now is the time to start talking to the money people and putting in a few fire walls.The Week Ahead for ScorpioTaking your time. Even if your mind is taken up with things of the relationship kind, do your best to focus on practicalities and finances. These expansive influences will help you succeed in business transactions and they will help you get places in the literal and figurative way. Mercury may still be heading south and causing the occasional frustrating episode, but you can still achieve positive results, and you can certainly enjoy life.Nevertheless, thinking ahead, if a situation is struggling at the moment, you may have to start figuring out what you might do should it peter out completely. Do your research, explore your options but for now do not go for a full frontal attack.The Week Ahead for SagittariusYou can do it. This has not been the sweetest of starts to a new year, but things are improving. However grey life seemed a week or so ago, you should be seeing little sparks of light. And if not, make a list of all the positives currently in your life and keep focussing on them - better still, adding to them. Self-worth, whether in terms of your value as a person or your financial position is in the centre of cosmic affairs making this an ideal moment to confront the reality and make sensible moves.Maybe you are not being appreciated, perhaps the coffers are looking a little bare, but there are ways to remedy the situation even if you are reluctant to use them.The Week Ahead for CapricornGoing where you have never gone before. Now that the holidays are officially over it is not just time to get back into the routine grove but to mount a plan of attack. The reason some of your ideas have failed to materialize is because you relied on old strategies which may have worked in times past but are not suited to the current climate. I may have said this before and I certainly mentioned it in my year ahead forecast, success and happiness may well lie outside familiar territory, whether this involves seeking a job in another part of the world or widening the net when it comes to finding backers, partners and fulfilling your talents.Use this week’s trail blazing influences to indeed, blaze a new trail.
The Week Ahead for Aquarius

Following your intuition.

With a cluster of planets in the soft-focus twelfth house you may be experiencing a little difficulty in getting to grip with practicalities. This is fine if you’re on vacation or taking a break from the routine round, but more of a problem if you are required to be in charge and make some important decisions. Ideally you should delay a decision for a week or so until the Sun is in your sign and Mercury back on track, but if your back is against the wall take counsel from people you trust.

Your intuition, on the other hand, could be on steroids, and a hunch regarding a financial matter or an affair of the heart should be followed through.

The Week Ahead for Pisces

Wait and see.

Positive aspects to Jupiter in the zone of relating could do great things for a relationship that is in distress. It may also do great things for your ego. Over the next few months people will be more prepared to recognize your value, which will help you gain work and make progress across the board; and, if you are looking for love you have a seriously good chance of finding it.

At this point in January signals being sent to you should be taken seriously, whether someone appears to be putting a distance between the two of you or drawing you closer. You may not need to do anything immediately - in fact, a watch and wait policy is advised.
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
Penny Thornton, the famous British astrologer, before Princess Diana Royal astrologer, who accompanied the princess spent the most difficult time "and related books. Your style of partial event guide.

reproduced please specify "Star Translation Agency" and the translator, thank you

]]] Aries, a translator:

]]] Taurus, the translator:

]]] Gemini, the translator:

]]] cancer, the translator:

]]] Leo, the translator:

]]] Virgo - Translator:

]]] Libra, the translator:

]]] Scorpio, the translator:

]]] Sagittarius, the translator:

]]] Capricorn -- the translator:













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