. Seat cover (size 820x1300 mm., film thickness 10 -13 microns., 250 and 500 pc. per roll). Without the logo and the logos: Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda, Seat, Ford, Peugeot, Renault, Hyundai, Kia, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Suzuki, Nissan, Mitsubishi.
2. Covers on the steering wheel with a rubber band.
3. Sets covers 5 in 1 and 3 in 1.
4. The floor mats for the front seats. Paper and waterproof.
5. Protective covers for front wing 1200x630 mm. Magnetic and with the sand.
6. Packages for wheels (radius of up to 24 ").
7. Paper 2 plied wipes on a roll.
8. Roll holders.
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Best regards.
Our site: www.carsystem.kiev.ua
Director “Carsystem Ukraine”
Оleg Levchenko