(2) cases × 744 Sun Xiang, male, 54 years old, accounting. Since last June sense swollen left leg, numbness and fatigue, flu-like cotton have both feet when walking, many times unconsciously falls. Outer line of acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, internal medicine and other treatment failed. Once on a neurological examination Medicine, Huashan Hospital, did not make a conclusion. After signs also involving the right leg, with fatigue and numbness. Shanghai Xuhui District Central Hospital orthopedic examination, X-ray films showed cervical spinal canal and osteoarthritis, cervical stenosis diagnosis and surgical treatment is recommended. Medical advice, Shanghai First People's Hospital neurosurgery Xuhui same hospital. Patients were treated opinions of both houses. Two upper limbs numb since January this year appears especially 2,3,4 means staggering, feel sensitive to heat, fatigue, and sometimes not even end jobs and enforcement chopsticks. But never since the onset of pain sensation, two will always normal. In July this year, admitted to our hospital for orthopedic spinal angiography Lipiodol, Trendelenburg position 45 ° iodine see column 4 forward flow to the neck vertebrae at the level of obstruction. Diagnosis of cervical canal lesions. Due to hot weather and frail patients, the hospital recuperating Nursing admission surgery about the cool autumn.