If door is left open, moisture enters the refrigerator.Remove the mois的繁體中文翻譯

If door is left open, moisture ente

If door is left open, moisture enters the refrigerator.
Remove the moisture and do not open the door for a long time.
Food with high moisture content.
Make sure food is wrapped airtight.
Do you hear abnormal sounds from the refrigerator?
Before calling for service, review the checkpoints below.
Any service calls related to normal sounds will be charged to the user.
These sounds are normal.
When starting or ending an operation, the refrigerator may make sounds similar to a car engine igniting.
As the operation stabilizes, the sounds will decrease.
While the fan is operating, these sounds may occur.
When the refrigerator reaches the set temperature, no fan sound will occur.
During a defrost cycle, water may drip on the defrost heater, causing sizzling sounds.
As the refrigerator cools or freezes, refrigerant gas moves through sealed pipes, causing bubbling sounds.
As the refrigerator temperature increases or decreases, plastic parts contract and expand, creating knocking noises.
These noises occur during the defrosting cycle or when electronic parts are working.
For ice maker models:
When the water valve opens to fill the ice maker, buzzing sounds may occur.
Due to pressure equalizing when opening and closing the refrigerator door, whooshing sounds may occur.
Samsung Smart Home
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
如果門處於打開狀態,水分進入冰箱。去除水分,和不要打開門的很長時間。高水分含量的食物。請確保包食品密閉。你聽到異常聲音從冰箱裡嗎?調用服務前, 審查下面的檢查站。將向使用者收取相關正常聽任何服務調用。這些聲音都是正常的。當開始時間或結束操作,冰箱可能發出的聲音類似于汽車發動機點火。運行穩定,聲音會減少。當運行時風扇時,這些聲音可能會發生。當冰箱達到設定的溫度時,會發生沒有電扇的聲音。在除霜週期中,水可能滴上除霜加熱器,導致滋滋的聲音。如冰箱冷卻或凍結,製冷劑氣體穿過密封管道,造成冒泡的聲音。作為冰箱溫度增加或減少,塑件收縮並擴展,敲的雜訊。這些雜訊發生期間除霜週期或當電子零件的工作。冰機型號 ︰當水閥開啟,以填補制冰機時,嗡嗡的聲音可能會發生。由於壓力均衡時打開和關上冰箱門,嗖嗖的聲音可能會發生。三星智慧家居
結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
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