Photon Crystal fiber (Photonic Crystal fiber, PCF) and name more hole fiber (Holey Fiber,HF) or micro-structure fiber (Microstructure Fiber,MF) [1], its package layer by periodic arrangement of air hole constitute, and order jump fiber compared, PCF can regulation of structure parameter more, through reasonable design parameter, can makes its has unlimited single die transmission, and high nonlinear and the can adjustable of dispersion characteristics,. Both a dispersion-flattened nonlinear coefficient characteristics and high [2-3] PCF, supercontinuum generation, broad-band optical wavelength conversion, laser amplifiers and optical switching has important applications, such as [4-7], therefore, the study and design of high dispersion-flattened nonlinear PCF (Dispersion-Flattened Highly Nonlinear PCF, DFHN-PCF) is the research focus of PCF.