engineeringsupport for the development and planning of productionimplementation of complete projects (project management)programmingindustrial robots: on - and off-line programming of industrial robot manufacturer abb (s4, s4c, s4c +, irc 5, kuka (crc, crc), fanuc (r 30ia) and kawasaki (controller)plc and siemens simatic plc and pnozmulti: mushroomvisualizations: ipc, siemens mobile / air panels, panelsdevelopment of pc based controllers and visualizations for series systemsdevelopment of software for process and produktionsdatenerfassungcommissioningcommissioning of productionproduktionsbegleitungcommissioning and delivery of equipment for fernwartungszugängeand (distance) video surveillance units with unidirectional mikesserviceprocess analysis and taktzeitoptimierungendocumentsservice shutdownsrobot training certificatewide network of competent partners, thus further solutions, such asfor example, engineering or a 24h / 360tage call, etc. possibleand careful, accurate and timely completion of eachcontract