201 General Physics. I, II, SS; 5 cr (Intermediate, Physical Sciences, C, Quant Reasoning B). Primarily for engineering students. Mechanics and heat. Two lectures, two discussions and one three-hour lab per week. P: Math 211 or 221 or 1 yr HS calc or cons inst. Not open to stdts who have had Physics 207. Degree cr will not be given for both Physics 103 & 201. Open to Fr. Honors - Instr Approved. Videos of the labs may be found here.
202 General Physics. I, II, SS; 5 cr (Intermediate, Physical Sciences, C). Primarily for engineering students. Electricity, magnetism, light, and sound. Two lectures, two discussions and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisites: Physics 201 or equivalent. Not open to students who have taken Physics 208 or 248; Open to Freshmen; Honors - Instr Approved
205 Modern Physics for Engineers. I, II; 3 cr (P-I). Introduction to atomic, solid state, and nuclear physics. P: Physics 202 or 208. Not open to those who have had Physics 241 or 244.