In the present intervention study, we demonstrated that MTC was superior to TC-24 in enhancingphysiological (fitness), neuromuscular (balance), and cognitive outcomes. When compared to TC-24,MTC involves more complex movement patterns [58]. This is important as previous work suggests thatmore complex movement patterns may be more eective in enhancing neural plasticity [59] and keybrain-derived neurotrophins, which play an important role in cognitive function. This is also supportedby recent work showing that more complex and coordinated motor martial art exercises, which resemblemovement patterns associated with MTC, are eective in enhancing working memory capacity [60–62],a cognitive parameter that was tapped with our cognitive assessments. Further, complex movementpatterns, when compared to less complex movements, are more eective in increasing regional bloodflow and cortical excitability [63,64], which may have important implications in subserving cognitivefunction and balance performance. These are potential mechanisms that may help elucidate ourobserved greater eects of MTC (vs. TC-24) on cognitive function and balance. Enhanced cognitivefunction and balance, in turn, may also have been responsible for the observed improvements in fitness.Our functional fitness parameters (stand-up-and-go, walking task) require adequate strength andbalance for optimal performance. Further, as we have demonstrated previously [65], cognitive functionis associated with the same aerobic capacity assessment (walking task) employed in our present study.Of course, these interrelationships are complex, as there is likely a bi-directional relationship betweencognitive function and aerobic capacity [66]. Nonetheless, our intervention findings suggest that morecomplex forms of TC, such as MTC, may be optimal in enhancing key health-related parameters (e.g.,cognition, balance, aerobic capacity).
In the present intervention study, we demonstrated that MTC was superior to TC-24 in enhancing<br>physiological (fitness), neuromuscular (balance), and cognitive outcomes. When compared to TC-24,<br>MTC involves more complex movement patterns [58]. This is important as previous work suggests that<br>more complex movement patterns may be more eective in enhancing neural plasticity [59] and key<br>brain-derived neurotrophins, which play an important role in cognitive function. This is also supported<br>by recent work showing that more complex and coordinated motor martial art exercises, which resemble<br>movement patterns associated with MTC, are eective in enhancing working memory capacity [60–62],<br>a cognitive parameter that was tapped with our cognitive assessments. Further, complex movement<br>patterns, when compared to less complex movements, are more eective in increasing regional blood<br>flow and cortical excitability [63,64], which may have important implications in subserving cognitive<br>function and balance performance. These are potential mechanisms that may help elucidate our<br>observed greater eects of MTC (vs. TC-24) on cognitive function and balance. Enhanced cognitive<br>function and balance, in turn, may also have been responsible for the observed improvements in fitness.<br>Our functional fitness parameters (stand-up-and-go, walking task) require adequate strength and<br>平衡以獲得最佳性能。此外,由於之前我們已經證實[65],認知功能<br>與我們目前的研究中使用的相同的有氧能力評估(行走任務)相關聯。<br>當然,這些相互關係是複雜的,因為可能有之間的雙向關係<br>的認知功能和有氧能力[66]。儘管如此,我們的干預研究結果表明,更多的<br>TC的複雜形式,如MTC,可能是最佳的增強鍵與健康相關的參數(例如,<br>認知,平衡,有氧代謝能力)。