Retaining structures are susceptible to failure during strong earthquakes
and are damaged frequently. Such failures are documented in
almost all post-earthquake damage reports, e.g., the 1960 Chilean earthquake
damage reported on by Duke and Leeds (2), the 1964 Alaska
earthquake reported on by Ross, et al. (13), and the 1971 San Fernando
earthquake reported on by Clough and Fragaszy (1).
Many earthquake-damage surveys contain accounts of movement or
failure of bridge abutments due to the seismic lateral pressures. The wall
movement causes distortion or even collapse of the bridge superstructure.
Although this form of failure is not as dramatic as other types of
earthquake damage, the seismic behavior of earth retaining structures is
an important design problem in seismic regions.
Gravity retaining walls that support dry cohesionless backfills form a
major group of the earth retaining structures. These walls are damaged
during strong earthquakes because of seismically induced lateral earth
pressures and inertial effects on the wall itself. The present paper is concerned
mainly with the seismic behavior and design of these walls.
Two design methods are currently available for the seismic design of
gravity retaining walls. The first method, which has been the common
practice for many years, is based on design rules suggested in a paper
by Seed and Whitman (15). In their paper use is made of the MononobeOkabe
analysis which is an extension of the Coulomb sliding wedge theory
in which horizontal and vertical inertia terms take into account the
earthquake loading. In this method the design is controlled by a strength
Retaining structures are susceptible to failure during strong earthquakesand are damaged frequently. Such failures are documented inalmost all post-earthquake damage reports, e.g., the 1960 Chilean earthquakedamage reported on by Duke and Leeds (2), the 1964 Alaskaearthquake reported on by Ross, et al. (13), and the 1971 San Fernandoearthquake reported on by Clough and Fragaszy (1).Many earthquake-damage surveys contain accounts of movement orfailure of bridge abutments due to the seismic lateral pressures. The wallmovement causes distortion or even collapse of the bridge superstructure.Although this form of failure is not as dramatic as other types ofearthquake damage, the seismic behavior of earth retaining structures isan important design problem in seismic regions.Gravity retaining walls that support dry cohesionless backfills form amajor group of the earth retaining structures. These walls are damagedduring strong earthquakes because of seismically induced lateral earthpressures and inertial effects on the wall itself. The present paper is concernedmainly with the seismic behavior and design of these walls.Two design methods are currently available for the seismic design ofgravity retaining walls. The first method, which has been the commonpractice for many years, is based on design rules suggested in a paperby Seed and Whitman (15). In their paper use is made of the MononobeOkabeanalysis which is an extension of the Coulomb sliding wedge theoryin which horizontal and vertical inertia terms take into account theearthquake loading. In this method the design is controlled by a strengthcriterion.