OK, so I'm going to put this as a post rather than a comment because people are still not taking notice..
If you read nick's Updates about what is happening behind the scenes and if you take the time to learn about the business using the training materials provided and if you take the time to learn from the people who know what they are talking about, you will understand how a revenue share site works, you will understand that Click Intensity is undergoing optimizations behind the scenes and therefore you may see display errors or you may see that your revenue share slows down.....
THIS IS A REVENUE SHARE site, which means that returns can go down as well as up, I keep seeing post after post after post from people who haven't bothered to learn the basics and are complaining that their revenue share has slowed down, or isn't performing as well as it has been on other days. I didn't see too many posts coming in the group the other week when shares improved for a while which to me makes me think that people are NOT learning the business or indeed even bothering to keep up with what is happening.
This is a business AND as with ALL businesses, some days are good and some days are not as good, the quicker you learn this and the more time you spend understanding how revenue share platforms work the better for YOU and the growth of the business. Every time you complain about something that's ALREADY explained in the training materials or compensations plan, you put doubt in someones mind. This doubt may be in the mind of one of your team or it may be in the mind of one of MY team. Personally i don't care how you run YOUR team, if you wish to be negative and uneducated, then your team will be too and that's not great because not only will you ruin your opportunity, but also the opportunity of your team.
I for one do NOT want YOU to ruin my opportunity or that of my team and im sure the other team leaders don't want this for their team either.
Its not that we are blind to anything or brain washed or even stupid, its because we understand and have taken the time to learn and educate ourselves on the business opportunity that Click Intensity has presented to each and everyone of us. We are also passionate about our business's and that of our team.
Your share positions haven't even matured yet and still have about 20 days to mature (based on a 60 day maturity), Each pack matures at $30 but understand this...... It might mature at 70 days, it might mature at 50 days, the company suggests that it will on average mature at 60 days but as so many times already explained, THIS IS ESTIMATED, its an APPROXIMATION based on approximate earnings of 2% per day, BUT this can go as low as 1% and on the flip side it can go as high as 4%, so instead of being negative when your packs still have time to hit their maturity, maybe you should think about putting your actions into growing your team and providing your team with a positive example.
It is understandable that you want to know why your rev shares have slowed, we all want to know that, but what is not understandable is why you don't bother to educate yourselves or read the updates.
This is not meant to be a negative post and those with the right frame of mind will see that, if you do see this as a negative post then you should take some time to go and watch tara's development videos and learn how to "Think positive" and "project positivity"
But most of all go and EDUCATE YOURSELF.
Now i am sure that the other admins may have worded this differently but i am the way i am and i don't sugar coat things, i am always honest and ill always tell you as it is
Thank you.