I'm sure you'll all sing this song now, right?<br>So now let's learn some simple moves together, and then sing the song along with the action, okay? Then let's get started!<br>The first action is the letter Y.<br>Please raise your hands, like this!<br>Very good, you're all doing great! When we sing y, we're going to do it.<br>The next action is m, can you tell me how to write m?<br>That's right! It's like two hills! So, when we sing m, we do this.<br>Boys smell your m! Show your m!<br>Next action c, when we sing c food, we do this action<br>321 Everybody's doing it with me, it's great, everyone's doing great.<br>Next up is the A action, how do you do a?<br>We raised our hands, like this, like a rocket, very good.<br>So now let's do four moves together, shall we? 321go!ymca<br>Now let's sing this song and put on an action!