HAVINGNESS + DUPLICATION = ASSIMILATIONThe pertinent definitions of havingness are as follows:HAVINGNESS, 1. that which permits the experience of mass and pressure. 2. the result of creation. 3. the ability to duplicate that which one perceives, or create a duplication of what one perceives, or to be willing to create a duplication of it.But it’s duplication. 4. ability to communicate with an isness. 5. the ability to conceive an is-ness and communicate with it.Those for duplication are:DUPLICATION, 1. cause, distance, effect, with the same thing at effect as is at cause. 2. the flow of creation. Duplication is the process by which a thing persists.A tentative definition for ASSIMILATON could be stated as:ASSIMILATION, 1. the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas. 2. The process of creating a concept or mock-up and flowing True Static energy at it, in order to cause it to persist and exist. 3. remedy of havingness for OT’s and True Statics. 4. the simultaneous duplication and creation of time, place, form, and event in oneself and others or the universe. 5. to imbue a creation with True Static energy. 6. causatively manifesting one’s own creation.For far too long case gain has been very much one sided. By one sided, it is meant that limited and negative case gain processes have composed almost ninety percent of the Scientology Bridge to date. Over sixty years ago I stated that Creative processing was the backbone of Scientology processing; but due to limited application and a lack of uniform application, it was discontinued in favor of more workable case remedies.