2. DefinitionsTerms used in this standard are defined as follows.(1) Radio interferencesThis term refers to disturbances in sound and image broadcasting signals received by radios, TVsets and so on, and in operations of electric wave operated device due to high frequency noisesemitted from automotive electric and electronic parts mounted on vehicles.(2) Vehicle mounted receiverThis term refers to radio receivers and radio transmitter-receivers. Radios (LW, AM, SW andFM), TV sets, SDARS, DAB, SMART, RKE, TPMS, wireless devices, TEL, GPS, Bluetooth andVICS are regarded as those devices.(3) Automotive electric and electronic partsAutomotive electric and electronic parts refers to the devices which control systems by mainlyusing semiconductors and the various detection devices (sensors) and output units (motors andactuators) which are used in conjunction with them, or the devices which contain one or moresuch devices.(4) SpecimenSpecimen means the devise to be tested. It consists of automotive electric and electronic parts.(5) Conducted emissionThis term in this standard refers to the electromagnetic energy conducted to harnesses of avehicle from noise generating sources.(6) Radiated emissionThis term in this standard refers to the electromagnetic energy radiated into the space from thenoise generating source units.(7) Wide band noiseThis term refers to the continuous noise which has the wider frequency spectrum than themeasurement band width.(8) Narrow band noiseThis term refers to the continuous noise which has the narrower frequency spectrum than themeasurement band width.(9) Conversion impedanceThis term refers to the impedance of the current probe. The unit of measurement shall be(dB ). The electric current (dB A) can induced from the measurement electric voltage(dB V) of the spectrum analyzer, which is measured by using the current probe, by using theformula below.Electric current (dB A) = Measurement electric voltage (dB V) - Conversion impedance (dB )+ Cable loss (dB) - Value of amplified proportion by RF preamplifier (dB)(10) Antenna factorThis term refers to the sensitivity factor of the antenna and designates, in this standard, thecorrection coefficient of the antenna induction voltage (50 ) corresponding to the electric fieldstrength. The unit of measurement shall be (dB) or (dB/m). The electric field (dB V/m) canbe induced from the measurement electric voltage (dB V) of the spectrum analyzer, which isreceived by the antenna, by using the formula below.Electric field (dB V/m) = Measurement electric voltage (dB V) + Antenna factor (dB or dB/m) +Cable loss (dB) - Value of amplified proportion by RF preamplifier (dB)(11) Peak detectionThis term refers to the detection method to output the voltage wave height of the measuringsignal.