Up to date, there has been little attention on the factors driving food waste considering different behavioural dimensions simulta- neously. Most of the existing academic literature on food waste either examines a partial dimension or is focused on estimating the amount of food wasted. However, consumer's food waste behaviour is a complex phenomenon build as a result of the interaction of several behavioural aspects. The decision-making process that ends on the behaviour of wasting food is shaped by social, economic and personal factors and is the outcome of the interaction of decisions, values and engagements. One of our contributions to the literature is to design a behavioural framework towards household food waste bringing together two of the main approaches that define the food waste debate nowadays: waste management and food habits. In addition, we include consumers' values as possible predictors and moderators to complete the model. In particular, we focused on an especially significant region of Europe: the metropolitan area of Barcelona. It is one of the most populated areas of Europe located along the Mediterranean coast, with a growing population ac- counting for more than 3.2 million people in 2015, and it occupies an area of approximately 636 km2, 48% of which is urbanised (AMB, 2012).This paper is organised as follows. The next section undertakes a literature review to justify why we hypothesise that a variety of actions and motivators could affect the food waste behaviour, arguing that it is not only a food-related issue but a waste man- agement, an environmental concern and a materialistic issue, too. It summarizes the state of the art regarding food waste behaviour at the household level and develops a conceptual model that explains consumers’ food waste behaviour. Section three explains the data and method of analysis. The fourth section of the paper reports the main results of the study. Finally, the fifth section discusses the relevance of the results for further research and to define strategies of prevention food waste generation.