This is likely to be a month of highs and lows and if anything, you will feel that you’re constantly having to realign your Libra zodiac scales. As the month begins, there’s an unsettled feel to your stars and a lot of planetary activity in Virgo and the most hidden sector of your chart.
Communication planet Mercury is retrograde in Virgo until the 22nd and this turns your attention inward. Yet it’s not a good idea to be too introverted in the month ahead or to spend too much time lost in your own thoughts. If you’re aware that you’re going round in circles, seeking answers without resolution, pace yourself, be kind, slow things down.
It might help to express what you’re feeling, either writing in a journal or talking to someone in confidence. Be aware however that when Mercury’s on go slow, you can’t trust what you hear as misunderstandings are more likely. Be around people who are good for you and avoid anyone who makes you feel fearful or gloomy.
There are also two powerful eclipses taking place this month and eclipses often bring what’s hidden to light. Secrets or confidences might emerge now and you could be dealing with sensitive information. Only take on what you can handle and if you’re feeling especially sensitive, stay away from tragedy or news that makes you despair. Create an invisible boundary if necessary around you and nurture your spirit.
The solar or New Moon eclipse takes place in Virgo on the 1st and the lunar or Full Moon eclipse cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac on the 16th. It is important this month to look after yourself and to focus on your well-being.
When there’s strong activity in Virgo, your hidden sector, and Pisces, your health sector, focus on tender loving care and be good to you. Ensure you have plenty of sleep, eat well, rest and relax. If you find your mind running away with you or your emotions are overwhelming, be in nature to ground yourself and bring you back down to earth.
This is also an important month for you because it’s a time of endings and new beginnings. This in itself can prove unsettling especially if you feel that your foundations aren’t currently strong. Virgo is the last sign for you so this might be a month when you’re shedding what’s difficult, letting go of what’s no longer needed.
This might be linked to your work or routine, your lifestyle or your health and most importantly, look at ways to eliminate stress. It won’t be easy if a job comes to an end now but with hindsight you might see this is the turning point you need, a chance to start afresh.
Certainly new beginnings are powerful now because of the movement of the major planet Jupiter. The biggest and best planet, Jupiter moves sign approximately once every year and on the 9th Jupiter enters your sign of Libra where it will remain until late 2017.