Congratulations! You have been issued with a conditional course offer 的中文翻譯

Congratulations! You have been issu

Congratulations! You have been issued with a conditional course offer for Monash University.

Please find attached the course offer included in your International Student Course Agreement. Please ensure you read all sections of the Agreement carefully, so that you can fully understand the offer that is being made to you.

You will need to meet all the conditions stipulated in the International Student Course Agreement before you can accept this offer.

In addition to this, applicants must meet English language requirements as outlines in the Admission to Coursework Courses and Units of Study Procedures available at Monash considers only the most recent demonstration of English proficiency in its assessment of whether a condition on English proficiency has been satisfied for a course. Monash may also require you to undergo a test of English proficiency, if it has concerns about your standard of English proficiency.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
祝贺你!你已为莫纳什大学的条件性课程提供。随信附上课程包括国际学生课程协议中。请确保您的协定 》 的所有部分仔细都阅读,以便您可以全面了解正在向你报价。你将需要满足之前你可以接受这个提议国际学生课程协议规定的所有条件。此外,申请人必须满足英语语言要求概述在入场对课程课程和单位的研究程序,可在。莫纳什认为只有在评估是否对英语水平的条件已经得到满足课程的英语水平的最新示范。莫纳什可能也需要接受测试的英语熟练程度,如果它有关注你的英语水平的标准。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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