There are an estimated 10,000 people in Hong Kong who need amputation sons and injures as a result of accidental injuries, long-term illness or infection, and the physical and mental stress of them and their families cannot be ignored. The Hong Kong Amputee Association published the first survey on the difficulties and needs of amputees in Hong Kong, interviewed 43 amputees, 21 family members, 13 friends and colleagues and found that 84% of amputees experienced financial and psychological stress, and that the respondents had lost their ability to work and self-care as a result of amputation, resulting in emotional changes such as anger and helplessness. Nearly 40 per cent of amputee respondents considered the cost of medical care and prosthetic limbs to be the biggest financial burden. More than 70 per cent of amputees and 80 per cent of their families believe that social support is inadequate and that amputees are difficult to re-enter social life.<br><br>In the past two months, the Association conducted questionnaires to understand the difficulties faced by amputees and relatives. The survey found that nearly 70 per cent of family members felt psychologically stressed, with more than half suffering from emotional distress such as anxiety and anxiety, and nearly 40 per cent having difficulty understanding the mental problems of amputees.<br><br>Ninety-five per cent of the respondents hoped that the community would strengthen the disability and medical allowance to reduce the medical burden, including the cost of treatment, physiotherapy and prosthetic devices. Among them, prosthesis is very important for patients to re-enter the society, 74% of people think that after the installation of prosthetic limbs, more confident to re-enter the community, start a new life.