bei mir ist nach wie vor keine Dimmbare G9 Stiftsockel 4W LED Glühbirne angekommen,schicken sie das nochmal oder erstatten sie mir mein Geld zurück? Schreiben sie mir umgehend wie sie weiter fortfahren wollen.mfg
Hello nhk653,I LED arrived still not dimmable G9 pen base 4W bulb, send them again or they refund me my money?Write me immediately as they continue wollen.mfg
Hello nhk653, with me no Dimmable G9 pin base 4W LED bulb is still arrived, they send it again or refund me my money back? Be it as they continue me immediately forward wollen.mfg
i is still not dimmable led bulb g9 stiftsockel 4w arrived, send it again and give me my money back? "write to me immediately as you continue to wollen.mfg