Fig. 8 shows the simulated and measured S-parameters of theprototyped dual-port MIMO antenna with different switchingload impedance values presented in Table 1. The antenna isrealized based on the dimensions illustrated in Fig. 2. Boththe measured and simulated results are shown together forcomparison purpose. Depending on the switching states ofthe SP4T, CCSL radiator shows distinctive changes of theresonance frequencies but PIFA experiences only a slightchange of operating bandwidth. It is observed that the tuningrange of the CCSL with a selection of load impedance valuesbetween 2.2 nH and 0.1 pF is around 27 % near 2.6 GHzas shown in Fig. 9 (b). In fact, the bandwidth of the PIFAis extended down to 2.5 GHz with the load impedance valueof 2.2 nH by which the CCSL is tuned to 2.5 GHz. In thisway, both antenna elements are tuned to the same directioncovering 2.5 3.6 GHz with only a single RF switch.Fig. 8 (c) shows the isolation properties between the twosignal ports, and it shows 12 dB at 2.5 GHz and 15 dB at3.5GHz suggesting the prototyped antenna can be used forMIMO applications. It is also noted that the measurement