Universities, zero on low incomes taxes
But only with a minimum roof of examinations
The proposal to the government study. The no-tax area should cover those with Isee threshold below the 13/15 thousand euro. Possible tax deduction for those who will still have to pay the tuition. The goal is to stop the decline in subscribers
A "no tax area 'for universities. An income threshold below which students (and their families) will not have to pay taxes and fees for attending the courses. Provided, however, to exceed a minimum number of tests and not end up in the list of "inactive", a bureaucratic term for slackers. This is the project on the government table, mentioned two days ago by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who said he was "ready to take action on tuition fees."
The ceiling
Below that threshold would pay no taxes? At the moment it reasons on a threshold of between 13,000 and 15,000 Euros as ISEE value, the indicator that measures the wealth of the whole family of the student, taking into account not only income but also of homes and