This job pays peanuts! You know, you're lucky to even have a job. Did you hear? They're freezing our wages - no raises for two years. Man, I've got to find another job.Amy is so annoying, She's always gossiping. You have to be very careful what you say around her.I know what you mean. Shhh! Here she comes.Elliot keeps hitting on me. He's so creepy.You should tell him to stop. Ahhh! My boss is so bullheaded. He never listens to my input. I guess that's the beauty of being the boss.You always get your own way.It's so unfair.The boss always invites Steve and Eric to go golfing Friday afternoons.The rest of us have to stay here and do all the work.Maybe you should take up golf, If you can't beat them,join them.I can't stand my coworker Paul. He's so arrogant Calm down. Tell me what happened.