In Table 1, the correlations between different listing variables andthe ‘status’ dummy variable is presented. The pair wise correlationtest was performed with all reasonable variables. Some creditinformation variables were omitted if they suffered from a smalldata sample or if they were too much alike other variables. Thevariables that the borrower can have an influence on have beenpresented in the first four rows of the table. The rest of the rows arecredit information variables, which the borrower cannot influence atleast in the short-run.As a whole, the correlations are relatively small. There are a fewlogical reasons for this. First of all, we have used all the data available.This enables us to see the big picture, but for example the starting rateis very sensitive to the credit grade. For example, a 15% starting ratemight guarantee the success of the listing for an AA grade borrower,but the same starting rate might be too low for an HR grade borrowerto get her listing funded. Therefore, in the full data set the correlationsare lower than when examined one credit grade at a time. Againparticularly the starting rate, i.e. “the price of the loan”, is verysensitive to common market interest rates and risk premiums. Wehave used data from the full two and a half years of time. During thistime the federal interest rate has varied between 2 and 5.25% (FederalReserve [7]). In addition, the recent credit crisis has increased the riskpremiums substantially. Therefore, the correlations would be higher ifwe would look at data from shorter periods of time, where the marketfundamentals would be similar for all listings.The correlation analysis done with the full data set does enable usto compare the significance of different variables. As we can see, thecredit information variables have generally higher correlations thanthe decision variables. This is quite logical, as people with low creditgrades have difficulties in obtaining a loan no matter how high, forexample, the starting rate is. All the correlations are statisticallysignificant, because of the high number of observations. The ‘amountrequested’ and ‘starting rate’ have higher correlations than the‘funding option’ and the ‘duration’. The signs of these correlationsare in line with [9]. A higher starting rate increases the borrowerschances of getting the loan funded (note that auctionmechanism is reversed in the sense that high interest rate is bad forthe borrower, i.e. the seller, and good for bidders). Logically, a higheramount requested decreases the borrower's chances of having asuccessful listing. The funding option “Open for duration”, entered as1 increases the borrower's success probability, as is the case with thelonger duration.Next to the credit grade, the delinquency related variables havethe second highest correlation. The ‘current delinquencies’ seem to bethe most influential of these variables. The ‘homeownership’ showssome correlation and the correlation of ‘debt-to-income ratio’ isrelatively low. This is the case with the variable ‘income’ as well. Allthe signs of the variables are logical.