Stephanie Azaria April 25, 2016
Pay careful attention to your thoughts this week, especially when they seem different than usual, because Mercury goes retrograde on Thursday, with Sedna, the enlightened record keeper in tow, producing an amazing opportunity in the weeks ahead for you to realize your gifts in ways that have never been possible before. You’ve always been a major thinker, and a master communicator. You’ve spent many long hours gathering information on various subjects, and you’ve been the one to share the knowledge, in many different creative formats. There are new methods on tap for all of the above: the gathering, the understanding and the sharing of the information you gather. This Mercury retrograde cycle is unlike any other, and it’s your domain. It might be easiest to recognize the newest facets of your mental power by focusing on anyone you encounter.
The mirror reveals the Truth.
By Stephanie Azaria April 25, 2016
The Full Scorpio Moon last Thursday night should have lit up some exceptional new creative ideas for you, and all that remains now is for you to take those concepts and run with them. Well, running may be a strong word, as Mercury AND Mars will both be retrograde by the end of the week. But the idea is to get planted firmly in the new ground you’ve uncovered, and plug away at the options as they arise. It’s an interesting journey ahead… Mercury’s backward movement seems to help you uncover a treasure trove of creative passion that was hidden within your core all along. The more deeply you dig, the more you come up with.
Your capacity to manifest is magical right now, so much so that all you need to do is focus on the ideas that occur to you, and voila!