振芯科技明天走势。 如何利用开盘半小时预测当天走势。 7月15日,沪指低开j低走振芯科技明天走势。 如何利用开盘半小时预测当天走势。 7月1的中文翻譯

振芯科技明天走势。 如何利用开盘半小时预测当天走势。 7月15日,沪指

振芯科技明天走势。 如何利用开盘半小时预测当天走势。 7月15日,沪指低开j低走
振芯科技明天走势。 如何利用开盘半小时预测当天走势。 7月15日,沪指低开j低走又是千股跌停、大盘反弹是否结束。 如何利用开盘半小时预测当天走势。准确性:预测大势高达90%,预测个股达80%左右 基本原理:开盘半小时多空双方的较量,基本决定和影响全天多空双方的价位观点,从而决定一天的走势。 研判条件:运用5分钟K线图。 研判方法:前15分钟3根蜡烛对全天的影响占70%,后15分钟3根蜡烛对全天的影响占30%。可把后15分钟的3根蜡烛综合视为1根蜡烛来看。前后相加共4根蜡烛,可预测全天行情基本趋势。 (1)若4根蜡烛,全部拉阳线。 全天走势极强。中午休盘前后15分钟,可能是全天的相对低点,收盘价可能是全天的最高价。 (2)若4根蜡烛,三阳一阴。 全天将是相对强势。将震荡上行,全日的低点可能在10点30分和下午2点出现,收盘价可能是全天的相对高点。 (3)若4根蜡烛,二阳二阴。 全天将是平稳势或小幅震荡平衡势。容易出现的高点上午在11点、下午在2点30分左右。收盘价与开盘相差不大。 (4)若4根蜡烛,三阴一阳。 全天将是相对弱势。全日相对高点上午10点左右、下午1点30分左右。收盘价可能是全天的相对低点。 (5)若4根蜡烛,全部拉阴线。 全天走势极弱。上午10点10分和中午休盘后稍有高点外,将一路下跌。收盘价将是全天的最低点。 上述方法遇特大消息异常暴涨、暴跌和开盘前30分钟庄家异常放量骗钱,有一定的失真。其他正常情况,可靠性极强。用开盘半小时分时走势确定当日大盘运行趋势 大盘的走势对很多投资者来说是个深不可测的东西,但经过长时间的研究与观察,发现开盘半小时的分时走势对大盘当日走势有很大的诱导作用,甚至有时开盘半小时的走势完全成了当天大盘走势的翻版。 一、上升趋势 一般情况下,对于上涨趋势的大盘开盘后半小时之内都会一浪高过一浪的攀高,攀高到10点,如果继续攀高,这种情况下说明当天大盘震荡走高,股指大涨;如果10点后大盘掉头向下,可预期尾市大盘有短线回吐压力,但全天的上涨趋势是肯定的。以上两种情况是最典型的大盘上涨信号。 二、下降趋势 开盘后30分钟内大盘分时走势逐级盘下,一浪比一浪低,盘中反弹高度不能高出下降趋势线,反弹发乏力,直至10点半后仍然没有一波有利的反弹,或有强力反弹但最终不能高出开盘后30分钟K线实体部分,可以判定当日大盘为跌势,股指下调。 有时候大盘高开后有回补当天跳空缺口的要求,这时可以观察5分钟K线,如果其后连续三根5分钟K线能够高于开盘K线的实体部分,就可以肯定大盘的走势是稳定的,股指当日是上涨趋势。相反,如果开盘后的连续3根5分钟K线低于开盘时K线的实体部分,可断定当日大盘的下降趋势。
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
振芯科技明天走势。 如何利用开盘半小时预测当天走势。 7月15日,沪指低开j低走振芯科技明天走势。 如何利用开盘半小时预测当天走势。 7月15日,沪指低开j低走又是千股跌停、大盘反弹是否结束。 如何利用开盘半小时预测当天走势。准确性:预测大势高达90%,预测个股达80%左右 基本原理:开盘半小时多空双方的较量,基本决定和影响全天多空双方的价位观点,从而决定一天的走势。 研判条件:运用5分钟K线图。 研判方法:前15分钟3根蜡烛对全天的影响占70%,后15分钟3根蜡烛对全天的影响占30%。可把后15分钟的3根蜡烛综合视为1根蜡烛来看。前后相加共4根蜡烛,可预测全天行情基本趋势。 (1)若4根蜡烛,全部拉阳线。 全天走势极强。中午休盘前后15分钟,可能是全天的相对低点,收盘价可能是全天的最高价。 (2)若4根蜡烛,三阳一阴。 全天将是相对强势。将震荡上行,全日的低点可能在10点30分和下午2点出现,收盘价可能是全天的相对高点。 (3)若4根蜡烛,二阳二阴。 全天将是平稳势或小幅震荡平衡势。容易出现的高点上午在11点、下午在2点30分左右。收盘价与开盘相差不大。 (4)若4根蜡烛,三阴一阳。 全天将是相对弱势。全日相对高点上午10点左右、下午1点30分左右。收盘价可能是全天的相对低点。 (5)若4根蜡烛,全部拉阴线。 全天走势极弱。上午10点10分和中午休盘后稍有高点外,将一路下跌。收盘价将是全天的最低点。 上述方法遇特大消息异常暴涨、暴跌和开盘前30分钟庄家异常放量骗钱,有一定的失真。其他正常情况,可靠性极强。用开盘半小时分时走势确定当日大盘运行趋势 大盘的走势对很多投资者来说是个深不可测的东西,但经过长时间的研究与观察,发现开盘半小时的分时走势对大盘当日走势有很大的诱导作用,甚至有时开盘半小时的走势完全成了当天大盘走势的翻版。 一、上升趋势 一般情况下,对于上涨趋势的大盘开盘后半小时之内都会一浪高过一浪的攀高,攀高到10点,如果继续攀高,这种情况下说明当天大盘震荡走高,股指大涨;如果10点后大盘掉头向下,可预期尾市大盘有短线回吐压力,但全天的上涨趋势是肯定的。以上两种情况是最典型的大盘上涨信号。 二、下降趋势 开盘后30分钟内大盘分时走势逐级盘下,一浪比一浪低,盘中反弹高度不能高出下降趋势线,反弹发乏力,直至10点半后仍然没有一波有利的反弹,或有强力反弹但最终不能高出开盘后30分钟K线实体部分,可以判定当日大盘为跌势,股指下调。 有时候大盘高开后有回补当天跳空缺口的要求,这时可以观察5分钟K线,如果其后连续三根5分钟K线能够高于开盘K线的实体部分,就可以肯定大盘的走势是稳定的,股指当日是上涨趋势。相反,如果开盘后的连续3根5分钟K线低于开盘时K线的实体部分,可断定当日大盘的下降趋势。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
Vibration core technology tomorrow. How to use the opening half an hour to predict the trend of the day. In July 15th, stock index opened low J
vibration core technology trend of tomorrow. How to use the opening half an hour to predict the trend of the day. In July 15th, stock index opened low J is whether the stock limit, the market rebounded over 1000. How to use the opening half an hour to predict the trend of the day. Accuracy: predicting the trend of up to 90%, predict a shares up 80% basic principle: opening half an hour straddle both sides of the contest, basic decisions and their impact on the day of the straddle both sides price point of view, so as to determine the trend of the day. Study conditions: using 5 minutes k-line. Study method:15 minutes before the 3 candles on the day of the impact of 70%, 3 minutes after 15 candles on the day of the impact of 30%. Can be 15 minutes after the 3 candles on the integrated view of 1 candles. Before and after the addition of a total of 4 candles, can predict the basic trend of the whole day. (1) if the 4 candles, all pull candle. Day trend is very strong. 15 minutes before and after the rest of the day, it may be a relatively low day, closing price may be the highest price for the day. (2) if the 4 candles, yin and yang. Will be relatively strong all day. The shock upstream, day may appear low 2 points at ten thirty in the afternoon and the closing price is relatively high, may day.(3) if 4 candles, two Yang two yin. All day will be a stable or slight shock equilibrium potential. Easy to appear in the morning at 11 pm, at around two thirty pm. The closing price and the opening is not big. (4) if 4 candles, three yin yang. All day will be relatively weak. The day relatively high 10 o'clock morning, about one thirty in the afternoon. Closing price may be a relatively low day. (5) if the 4 candles, all pull line. Day trend is very weak. At ten ten in the morning and noon hours slightly high, will be all the way down. The closing price will be the lowest of all day. The above method in case of extraordinary news abnormal soaring,30 minutes before the opening of the dealer slump and the abnormal volume of money making, have a certain distortion. Other normal conditions, reliability is very strong. Opened half an hour time to determine trends on the day of the trend of the market operation of the market trend for many investors is unfathomable, but after a long time of study and observation. It is found that the opening half an hour the trend of the market trend of the day a great role in the induction and sometimes opened half an hour trend completely copy on the day of the market trend. A rising trend in general, the upward trend in the stock market opened within half an hour will be a wave after wave of rising, rising to 10 points,If continue to climb, the situation that the same day the market higher volatility, stock index rose; if 10 points after the market turned down, can be expected tail city market short-term profit taking pressure, but the rising trend of the day is for sure. These two cases are the most typical of the broader market rose signal. Second, declining trend after the opening 30 minutes in the market when the trend of gradual dish, a wave than a wave of low, intraday rebound height can not be higher downward trend line, rebound fatigue, until half past ten still no wave of favorable rebound, or have rebounded strongly but eventually no more open after hours 30 minutes K-line entities can judgment day for the large decline,Stock index down. Sometimes the market opened higher after back to fill the requirements on the day of the Tiaokong gap, then you can observe the K-line five minutes. If the subsequent row 5 minutes K line to higher than the opening of K-line entities can be sure that the trend of the market is stable, the stock that day is rising trend. On the contrary, if after the opening of the continuous 3 5 minutes K line below the opening when the K-line entities part, determine the day downward trend in the market.
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