14. Nonionic polyacrylamide (PAM) - Anionic hydrolysis polyacrylamide In this formula, the hydrolysis degree refers to the transformation ratio of to group, (1) Amide, (2) hydroxyl, (3) carboxylic, (4) nitro; and the hydrolysis degree should be % to %. (1) 10, (2) 20, (3) 30, (4) 40, (5) 50 15. For hydrophilic colloids, there' s no direct contact between water molecules and colloid nucleus. This statement is true or false? 16. According to the DLVO theory, if electrolyte (coagulant) is dosed, concentration of ions having same charge with the counter-ions would ; the electric double layer would be compressed; zeta potential ; stability ; thus, colloid coagulation would occur. The combination of the answer is: (1) decrease, decrease, decrease; (2) increase, decrease, decrease; (3) increase, decrease, increase; (4) increase; increase; inerease. 17. Mechanisms of coagulation and flocculation include (1) compression of electric double layer, (2) adsorption and charge neutralization, (3) adsorption and bridging, (4) sweeping. 18. Organic polymer coagulants can be divided into natural organic polymer coagulants and synthetic (1) cationic ones, organic polymer coagulants. Synthetic organic polymer coagulants include (2) anionic ones, (3) nonionic ones, (4) amphoteric ones. 19. Coagulation performance of PAC is correlated with basicity. When C(Al)=0.02 mmol/L, and %. C(OH)=0.03 mmol/L, B (Basicity) =
14. 非離子聚丙烯醯胺(PAM) - 陰離子水解聚丙烯醯胺在此公式中,水解度是指與組、(1)阿米德、(2)羥基、(3)碳化物、(4)硝基的轉化比;水解程度應為%至%。(1) 10, (2) 20, (3) 30, (4) 40, (5) 50 15.對於親水膠體,水分子和膠體核之間沒有直接接觸。這種說法是真還是假?16. 根據DLVO理論,如果給電解質(凝固劑)加劑,與反離子電荷相同的離子濃度;電雙層將壓縮;澤塔潛力;穩定性;因此,膠體凝固會發生。The combination of the answer is: (1) decrease, decrease, decrease;(2)增減;(3)增、減、增;(4) 增加;增加;內在。17. 凝固和絮凝機制包括(1)壓縮電雙層,(2)吸附和電荷中和,(3)吸附和橋接,(4)清掃。18. 有機聚合物凝固劑可分為天然有機聚合物凝固劑和合成(1)陽離子劑、有機聚合物凝固劑。合成有機聚合物凝固劑包括(2)個無離子凝固劑,(3)非離子凝固劑,(4)五棲凝固劑。19. PAC的凝固性能與基本性相關。當 C(Al)=0.02 mmol/L 和 %。C(OH)=0.03 毫摩爾/升,B(基本) |