The Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheriesof Korea has provided funding for the development of culturefacilities and genetic improvement. Various facilities for abaloneculture have been developed. For seed production, the developmentof flat plastic film kits has achieved satisfactorysettlement percentages and postsettlement survival. Moreover,the development of various shelter types has led to high growthand survival rates of nursery and juvenile abalone. Furthermore,for the rearing stage, development of wave-proof sea cages hasincreased production dramatically.The development of an abalone breeding program in Koreastarted in 2004, and selective breeding is the foundation of theprogram. The method involves improving economically importanttraits using phenotype analysis and genetic markers. Wemainly aim to develop new stocks to improve growth in andtolerance to higher water temperatures. The 204 families of thefirst generation were produced using a single-pair mating systemin 2004. Phenotype analysis and parent testing were undertakenfor production of the second generation. The 251families of the third generation were produced in 2011. We use a verification test in the culture field with a commercial line ofF3 nuclear populations. This commercial line is a high-qualitycandidate for abalone aquaculture and has the potential toimprove the abalone culture industry in Korea.